Thursday 17 September 2015

Magical Africa

Magical Africa.

This very entry, does have to do, and with what, Knowledge in itself, and as said too, to refer, and to the said Field of Epistemology, is actually said to be. That in all, we do in all, seek to present Knowledge here, and as said to speak too, and of an Instruction Set that is.

That Knowledge, and as most do know it, can be said embodied in all, or encoded too, and in what they do term Counting systems that is. That Knowledge, and as presented as such, is said too, to refer, and to speak and of what a proof is said to be for instance, what is said direct, or indirect, or of what too, is said even straight/crooked that is.

In saying that, there are those who do believe Knowledge, to be said represented in all, and in speak now and of what Matter, Energy, Time and if not of said Ideas, and of Emptiness, or of the Void too, are in all said to be, is to now too, speak of Knowledge, and as said too, Esoteric in its ways that is [and if not Cryptic too].

Africa though, does present the very view that, Knowledge, is in all even said, and to speak and of what is said Tangible, and of what too, can be termed Non-Tangible that is. A manner in all, and of understanding Knowledge, more common and than most do believe it to be, for it does in all even speak, and of what Classification systems, Category / Categorical systems, and if not speak and of Place in itself too, are in all even said to be. That Classification systems, are too said Egyptian, and if not said too, to refer, and to speak of Data Mining for instance, but that the Categorical / Category, now too does speak, and of the very manner in all, the Tangible, and Non-Tangible too, are often perceived outside Africa [and in speak too now, and of what a Database System is said to be for instance]. Africa though, can be said to have its very own manner in all, and of perceiving Knowledge, and from speak too of Instruction Sets, and that does speak truly, and of Knowledge, and as said represented, and by speak and of Place in itself that is. That it is in speak of Knowledge as such, and wherein, what they do term Data Warehousing, does actually becomes apparent in its ways, and in now too saying that, Knowledge, and as said deciphered, and from speak of Place, now too, does open one up, and to what id believed said to speak, and of Africa's said Magical traditions, and as said not to speak of Practise, but to speak and of what in all, Knowledge in itself, is actually said to be.