Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Formal Introductions and the birth of History:
This entry in all, very much has to do, and with speak and of just how in all again, the very said Introduction, and of Asia, and onto the World Stage, has had an impact on the World, and such that, most in all, are said, not to be truly in touch in all or connected truly either, and to their Realities, and such that, many in all today, do associate speak of Politics in themselves, and with speak of Liberationist philosophies/movements that is [and speak too and of many a said Generational Divide, and such as speak of Generation X, Generation Y etc.].
In helping one better but simply in all understand all this, is to perhaps speak of History and as truly associated in all, and with speak of Formal Introductions and Correspondence too, and such that, the very said entry of Asia and onto the World Scene/Stage, has very much changed just whom or who in all, we are, and as with regards to speak of Formal Introductions and if not Correspondence in itself either, and such that, there is a discontinuity and as with regards even and to speak of Emotions for instance, and from the past World/Times too, and as in saying that, the above mentioned Formal Introduction of Asia and onto the World Stage that is, does in all appear to have disconnected us truly, and from each other in all, more severely, and as compared and to speak of what some do term Major Historical events, and such as Slavery or Colonialism too that is.
That before Asia is in all formally Introduced and to World History too, speak of History and as said to truly go along and with speak of Formal Introductions and Correspondence, does basically even, speak and of the World outside Asia, and as very much associated with the following Formal Introductions and Correspondence that is: those of the 1001 (Arabian) Nights for instance, or truly in all again, speak of many a Biblical Text/Scripture that is. With Asia though gaining a hand on the World Stage, or simply said Formally Introduced that is, Formal Introductions and Correspondence now in all, and as now said changing, and from speak of the Biblical for instance, and onto speak of the Qu'ran too.
In all, in the attempt to make something said difficult to understand but not, and in fully attempting to explain it all that is, is to in all say that, those who do truly realize, that there does exist a said racist even, culture, and that does go along in all and with speak of Formal Introductions and Correspondence, and as seen/found around the World that is, one then, might in all, want to seek out the Decameron for instance, and by Giovanni Boccaccio too that is, and in attempting to in all help them, re-think themselves and as with regards to speak of Formal Introductions and Correspondence, and in a World today said even by some, simply truly in all, racist in its ways that is.
Sunday, 26 October 2014
In perhaps having many a person in Africa interested, and in the History of Italy, and as said more beneficial to one, and as compared to speak of Europe too, is to in all even speak of the associating of Africa in all, and by many a person, and with speak and of Settings only (Link), and such that, extending this perspective in all, and of viewing many a place and its History and in speak of Settings only, does in all even speak of truly associating Italy, and with its Seashores and Cliffs too that is.
Saturday, 25 October 2014
Nigeria vs. Kenya
Nigeria vs. Kenya
In speaking of Nigeria and as versus Kenya too, is to in all again speak of the very known fact that, it is Nigeria in all, and that has in many a way, truly attempted in all again, and to not only portray Africa, and Africans too, and as said in all again perhaps, Intelligent peoples and in all that is, but truly in all again, an attempt to create a Global and International Consciousness in all, and that does go along in all, and with all this that is.
Kenya on the otherhand, is a Country or place perhaps, and that has always attempted, to create an African Consciousness in all, and that does speak of Kenya, and as said a truly a home, and to differing (visiting) groups of peoples, and from all over Africa that is [and speak in all again, and of Kenya and as said a home, and to Nigerian or Gambian Bankers, Artists from the Congo, Diplomats/Educators form Ghana etc.] [Link].
Friday, 24 October 2014
When one does think of Africa in all, one cannot fail to perhaps, think and of speak, and of many a conspiratorial talk in all, and that does go along and with speak of attempts to eliminate/erase African History, the so called African People too, or speak in all again, and of the putting down in all, and of African Religion in itself that is.
That the above, does speak in all, and of an evil most do find difficult in all perhaps, and in explaining to many a person, but it does in all even, speak of the very term Cultural Capital in itself, and as with it all even speaking of the ability in all, to make life wonderful for one, and at this very moment too, and without having to weigh in, monetary remittances for instances.
That Africa, and Historically too, is said a Mythical Continent in its ways, and in speak here, and not of Egypt in all, but truly in all again, and of the famed City of Alexandria in Egypt, and as with it even said truly in all, and to shine a Light, and on the World, and as with regards to speak of the splendours of Egypt that is [that in many a way, Egypt, and as said truly a famed place in all, and Historically too, does speak even, and of the City of Alexandria in itself that is].
That inorder and in all again, and to best understand all this, is to in all again, speak of the very fact that, Alexandria, and in speak of its society, rites, rituals and norms in all, is actually truly said African/Coptic, and not truly Egyptian either [and as compared to speak in all again, and of Heliopolis for instance, and which is more or less truly Egyptian in its ways, but in all ways even Greek too]. That in all again, not only does Alexandria help give birth to Rome or Jerusalem and in spirit too for instance, but that SOAS in all, can probably be best perceived and in speak of the above stated myth: that African society, rite, ritual and norm, is said historically in all, and to triumph over that said Egyptian too for instance.
An 'African' Goddess in Greece:
Thursday, 23 October 2014
The famed Egyptian City of Alexandria, and as said to serve here in all, and as a Reference too, and in helping define/view Africa in all again, and from speak of differing African Ritual/Rite, and as versus speak of Rabat or Tunis too, and which does have one Referencing Africa in all, and in speak of Spatiality/Size that is [and all this too, and as going along with 'Internet speak' that is].
Ojise, and speak too and of Public/Private Annals/Records in all, and as going along in all again, and with the very recording of History in all, African, and as said to speak of or go along in all again, and with Internet (styled) Media too that is.
Monday, 20 October 2014
This entry in many a way, does have to do, and with just how in all, Africans, do think and of Winning in life, and outside speak even of Trickery, and in the form of the Con too that is. That in all we do live in societies in all again, and just where in all, the concept of Success, has very much come, to be defined and in speak of whom or who in all again we are, and with Excitement or 'Charge' too for instance, and as going along in all, and with many a Bodily fluid too, and such as speak of Testosterone (and speak too of Women and as viewing Men from the very perspective of 'Charge') [Link], but speak too in all again, and of Adrenaline in itself too for instance. In all, the said experiencing in all, and of Excitement and 'Charge', and as believed in all even, to go along and with speak of what does constitute and for Happiness in itself, and on Succeeding too that is.
While many a society and as seen around the World too, does now very much choose to define itself as such (defining Success that is, and as simply explained above), do realize in all that, the very use of 'Charge' or Excitement, has traditionally been associated and with phrases and such as 'speak of the Devil' for instance, in that, it has often gone along in all and with speak of Awareness, and not speak in all again, and of Causality/'Positivism' in itself that is.
In all, the very defining of Success in itself and as defined above, can be said in all even, and to speak of simplistic societies, and as in speaking Conceptually here too in all, and in saying that, one can very well be told in all, that, the Concept of Success, can very much have been said, to have very much in all again, been destroyed, and by the building, and of the so termed Three Step Pyramids in Egypt that is, and as with they even Pyramids, built in the very form and of the Mound too [that most or no one in all, does truly know just how to go about building a Pyramid, and as said a Mound too that is][Link].
Many a society in the past though, has now in all relegated the concept of Success, and as going along even and with speak of Succeeding in itself too, to the back, in that, Success and society, is now in all again associated, and with speak of 'the Cycles of life' that is. That life now in all, is said best viewed for instance, and in speak of Birth-Death-Rebirth cycles in all, but that in all ways even, and interestingly too, while the forementioned is said to speak of the 'Cycles of life' and outside Africa too in all (but still very much seen within Africa too), Africa in all again, or speak too of Egypt that is, is said now in all again associated and with 'Cycles of life', and that do go along in all, and with the name 'Atum' for instance, and as in speak of life, and as truly associated, and with speak of Creationist-Destructionist theories, and of the 'Cycles of life' that is [and with this model in all, the latter that is, coming to truly define Egyptian History in itself actually].
In all though, and for those in Africa too, the above 'Cycles of life' that is, can be said acquainted with the following in all. That speak of so termed Birth-Death-Rebirth 'Cycles of life' in all again, and as said to go along in all, and with the foregoing of Success in itself and in speak of Succeeding in itself too, in that, such 'Cycles of life' in all, Birth-Death-Rebirth that is, can be said to go along and with speak of truly defining many a society, and in speak of 'Common Sense' in itself too for instance.
In speaking though, and of Creationist-Destructionist theories and on/of the 'Cycles of life', one in all again now does see Success, and as going along in all, and with speak of defining Moods//Presences in all, and in society too that is.
Sunday, 19 October 2014
In speaking of Ifism, is to in all even not speak of Orunmila directly, but in all ways even, truly refer or speak of, and of the rather troubling question (and if not notion in all again), and of what is said to constitute in all, and for the boundaries, outliers, ends, edges, margins, limits, fringes, brinks, outskirts etc., and of life in itself [and as something in all even said to often go along in all, and with speak of what some do term the Mother Archetype in all that is].
In all again, Ifism, and as truly differing in all, and from speak of other oracular/divination systems in all again (and speak even of the Obi Obata for instance), and which do in all even, deal with issues and as pertaining to speak of Destiny, Fate and Karma in all, and as with it all even again, going along in all, and with one and as said Blinded to Reality too [and in speak too in all, and of just how in all we do define, the most base or basic too, and of relations/relationships that is].
Thursday, 16 October 2014
The very purpose of this posting, does in all have to do, and with speak and of just why many a person and as found/seen outside Africa, may not in all care to know of Africans that is [and as including speak even and of African-Americans in themselves too][Link]. That most who do in all Identify as African, do in many a way, lack a part of something in all, and that does make for many a Life experience, and outside Africa too that is. That this in all, does speak even and of the said French term Genie too for instance, and as with it in all even speaking and of one, and as Opening Up (and not Awakening either), and to speak not only of many a Reality in itself that is, but in all ways even, Opening Up and as speaking in all even and of Realization in itself too for instance, and as going along in all perhaps, and with the very belief that, life in itself, is simply said a Beautiful thing that is.
For many an African though, the belief in Opening Up to life in itself, is often said non-existent in all, and as Africans in all, are said in all even the very kind, and to want to 'keep it real' that is.
Africa though, can be a highly romantic continent, and for those who do believe, and in Opening Up, and to life in itself that is. In many a way, all this does speak even and of the very term Epiphany for instance, and as with it even said a Guiding Vision of a kind, and for those in all, and who do in all Open Up, and to life in itself that is.
In all, the Epiphany and speak even and of the Genie in us that is (and as with it even said even and to accompany Intelligence in all, and in the very form of the Whiz for instance), and as said in all even and as having gone along in all, and with the very Development that is, and of the Histories, and of America, Europe, Italy and even Egypt too that is.
That take America for instance, the Genie in all and speak too of Epiphanies and the Opening Up to life, and as said in all even, to speak of not only America in all, and as said a country of Settlers (and Residents too), but that in all even, they in all again, and as very much mythologizing life in America, and as going along in all and with speak of 'Myths of origins' that is [that Identity creation in America, is now said in all even to go along in all and with speak of the 'Port of entry' that is, and as with it even said a Determining Factor, and as with regards to speak of attaining Success in America that is]. In all, the 'Port of entry', and as said even to go along in all, and with an Acculturation process, and that does speak even of Opening Up to life in America in all, the Genie in us, and even speak of an Epiphany here and there that is. In all again, the History of (the United States of) America in all, and as now said even associated, and with three 'Port of entries': they being California, Florida and even Boston/America too that is, but with the last of these in many a way, now very much said defunct in its ways actually. In all, the following songs, and as said representing in all even, the Opening Up to life, and as seen Historically in America, and in speak of California, Florida and Boston/America respectively too [Link1, Link2, Link3].
In speaking of Europe, a more problematic approach and that does in all even speak of the known said term 'the Fall of Europe' (and further speak too of Revolutionary France and the Bastille too), and as with it in all even now, speaking of the rise of Europe, and in speak of the Genie is us, Epiphanies and the Opening Up to life too, and as primarily associated in all, and with speak of Friendships, and at all levels of society that is [and with one in all again, said not discriminatory, and other than in speak of Wit and Shakespeare too for instance]. In all, 'the Fall of Europe', and as speaking in all even, and of Friendships between Man and Woman, Old and Young, or even Ethiope, Moor and European for instance, German and French too etc., all falling to the side in all, and as Revolutionary France/Europe in all again, does in all very much help give birth and to the Present/Modern World, and as said even a truly racist place that is.
Europe and in Friendship:
In speak of Italy, speak even and of the very unknown History of Italy (and as said even to stretch back and into the Greek Times in all), and as speak of the Genie is us, Epiphanies or even the Opening Up to life (and as said to speak even, and of Colour Coding many a thing for instance), does in all even speak of the very unknown World of Italian Art, and as with it even said Templar too, and which in all is said to basically in all even Open One Up, and to life in itself, and in speak even, and of having a direct Epiphany in itself that is.
Italian Music/song - Link.
Finally, speak here and of Egypt, and as said in all even, and to give birth to the rather complicated view in all and which does say that, the Genie is us, Epiphanies and even speak of the Opening Up to life (and as said even to have Order to it, and in speak of Chaos that is), does in all even go along and with speak and of ones Sexuality that is [or the very belief in all that, Success, is often in many a way said intertwined, and with speak of Sexuality in itself that is].
In all, for most Africans, speak of the above and as said unknown to most African cultures, and as speak of it all (the above that is), is said in many a way too, and to go along in all and with speak of the history of Nyasaland, and in Africa too that is.
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
'The Golden Age of the Moor'
'The Golden Age of the Moor'.
The very purpose of this entry, is to in all again attempt, to put forward the very question to many an African, and if or not in all, they do believe, Africans, to be truly an Intelligent people that is. For in all again, those who have pondered this very question and amongst speak of Africa's Modern/Present problems, in many a way truly, do often point to speak of Egypt, and if not of Moors and Islamic Spain too that is.
That the very solution to this problem, does lie in all, and in speak of Europe, for the Moor in Egypt, is simply said Saintly in his ways, while in Spain, he is said rather Civil in all, but it is in Italy, where he could be said, a consummate Guitarist of a kind that is [Link][Link2].
In helping one understand all this better, is to speak in all, and of what does constitute and for Intelligence that is. That this question in all, can be approached and in speak of the History of Europe, and as said to speak of the European, the Egyptian, and the African/Moor too that is.
That the above in all again, does speak in all even, and of Africans in all, truly viewing themselves, and from speak even and of Reproduction & Breeding, and as versus speak in all, and of the acquiring of Intelligence that is. That the European in all, and in Myth too, is now said very much Irish, but in many a way too, living a life in Europe, and that does speak in all even of Family, Drama, Gnosticism and even War in itself that is. This view in all, does support just whom or who in all again, the European is, and as with regards and to speak of Intelligence in all, and as primarily associated, and with Reproduction & Breeding, and not acquired Intelligence either that is. Unknown to many though, the Egyptian too, does very much make his way into Europe, and in all now is said to simply complicate, European lifestyles in all, and in speak of Ritual too, for the Egyptian, and as now in all stating himself, very much Mature, is in all even again, associated, and with many an European Institution, and as now in all even said to redirect European notions of Maturity, and away from that said Irish too, and in speak of Irish Song for instance, and towards a Maturity in all again, and that does breed the spirit of Revolution, and in Europe in itself that is [that the Egyptian and in Intelligence and as speaking in all, and of Reproduction & Breeding, and as versus speak of acquired Intelligence too that is, is simply said truly Mature in his ways that is].
In speaking of the African though, the very question does arise and as with regards to speak of Intelligence, and as said not acquired in all, but in speak truly even and of Reproduction & Breeding in itself that is. That the African and as said in all truly, Moor that is, and in Intelligence and as associated with Reproduction & Breeding in itself, does not speak of Granada/Al-hambra in all, but in all ways even, and of the very world of the Celt and as seen in Britain and Scotland too. That the African/Moor, and as said Intelligent and as with regards to speak of Reproduction & Breeding in all, does speak even, and of their defining themselves as such and in race and blood too, and in speak of Habit(s), Laughter, Song, Method and even Wit in itself that is. This in all, is what is said to speak of the African/Moor, and as said Intelligent, and in speak of Reproduction & Breeding too, and as with he now in all, said very much a part of European History, and in speak of Britain and Scotland too that is.
The story though, does not end here in all, and as the very question of, what does constitute for Intelligence and as mentioned above, African/Moor too, and in speak in all again and of Africans, and as said discovering themselves as such that is. That this in all, does speak even, and of what some do term 'Yoruba'/IFA Religion in all, and as truly helping many an African, discover themselves as such that is. That this in all again truly, does speak even and of Ifa/Yoruba Religion in all, and as said to speak and of one and as said in alignment and in speak of ones Heart and Head too for instance (Link), and as said to open up one, and to Supreme Intelligence in itself that is.
The above though, does speak in all, and of Intelligence and as associated with Reproduction & Breeding in itself, and as seen even amongst the (African/Moor) Celt in all [and as with he now even said somewhat Greek in his ways too], but that for most Africans today and who do struggle with this very question, and of whether in all, Africans, can be said Intelligent innately, and in speak of Reproduction & Breeding too, another manner of perceiving oneself as such, does exist in Yoruba/Ifa religion, and which does in all even speak of one, and as perceiving themselves in all, and as said, 'a Good and Blessed person' that is [Link][that in all again, those in Africa and who do believe it is possible for Africans to in all build rather Advanced States that is, and in Africa too, do think of themselves and in the latter form of Yoruba/Ifa theology in all, and as with it in all even said to speak of Islamic Spain, while speak of the Moor and as defining the Celt in Memory too, does speak of the former, but with most Africans, simply said not knowledgeable of themselves as such that is].
In all, a true questioning perhaps and of why Africa, does continue to lag in its ways, and as Africans in all, have not truly developed proper Psychological (Spiritual/Religious) Models of themselves, and as speaking in all again and of Consciousness, and Consciousness too, and that does speak in all, and of Africans and as defining themselves truly, and in speak of (Self-) Acceptance, Perception and even Communications too that is. That Africans in all, do find themselves hampered in their ways, and in speak of Colonialism and ('Trans-Atlantic') Slavery too, in that, societies today, are very much said to develop, and in speak and of just how we do define Acceptance in all, and in our lives too, and with Africans in all again, simply said to be not Accepting, and of many a thing, and about themselves, and their very History in Africa too that is. To speak though of Europe and America, is to speak of their societies, and as now developing, and in speak of defining Communications truly (and in Europe that is), while in America. a more complicated society perhaps, and that does speak in all even, and of just how we do define Perception, and as with it in Africa today, basically speaking of Ancestor Worship & Veneration, while in America, it does in all even speak of the 'Statue of Liberty' in itself that is.
'The Golden Age of the Moor' - Link
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
The Kami
The Kami.
The Kami in all, can be said a term/phrase, and of Japanese origins too, and that does in all even basically refer, and to speak of the 'Forces of nature' that is [and as with they even said Orisha somewhat]. That the Kami in all, do not only speak of Seasonal changes, but in all ways truly even, speak and of just how in all, we do Idealize or Conceptualize in all again, Routinistic life that is.
In making the above clearer, is to perhaps speak and of just how best to think of Routinistic life in Africa, and as with it in all even today, said to speak and of a significant disconnect, and from past African life that is. That in understanding this is to say that, African life in the past, and as said to speak of Routines too, could very well be associated in all, and with speak of Pangs for instance, and Pangs too, very much dealt with, and by speak even and of 'spirit possession', herbalism and the ethnographical too that is.
We do though, live in a World today, dominated in all and by a Global, International and Worldly Consciousness too, and that does speak even of Modern Technologies, Modern Infrastructures and even Modern Communications in all truly, and as with they even said helping spearhead a movement in all, atheistic too, and which does in all ways even say that (and in Conscience and Consciousness too), that 'spirit possession' in all, is something in all again, not said real actually. In many a way, this is actually true and for those who do not understand the role or purpose too, and of these Modern Technologies in all that is, in that, on seeing them as they truly are one in many a way too, simply does realize that 'spirit possession' is actually said truly real [and as with it in all even perhaps, simply said real, and in speak of possessive states, and that do go along in all, and with speak of the Television too for instance].
There is another manner though (Link), and of thinking of Routinistic life, and that does in all even, speak of Dementia in itself, and as a manner of thinking about Modern African lives, and the Routines that do go with it all that is [and speak even and of a Modern Africa, simply said to have many an Energy issues to it that is][In all again, a manner pf thinking of Modern African lives, and that does in all even speak of the SADC for instance, and as having peoples in it, said having differing Routines, and from those seen in other parts / the rest of Africa that is].
In all, and in thinking of the Kami and the 'Forces of nature' too, speak in all even, and of the very founding and building of America (Northeastern States that is), and which does in all even speak of Quebec in all, and as having been said, a part of America truly [and Historically that is], and as with it in all even, said a society built, and in speak of the Kami, and the 'Forces of nature' too that is [Link]. In all again though, speak of a differing America and Quebec, and that does in all even speak of the Notre Dame too, and just where in all again, the History of France does meet that of Quebec/America in all, and as with it in all even, not only speak of Routinistic life and in the form of 'spirit possession' and Ethnography too, but in all ways even, speak truly too, and of the Moor that is [Link].
Sunday, 12 October 2014
This post in all, can be said, and to speak of Africa, and from the very perspective of Consciousness, and as going along truly, and with speak of Blood and Acrimony that is. That speak of African societies in all, or cultures truly in all even, and from the very perspective and of Blood and Acrimony, is in many a way truly, often said very Local/Familial in its ways that is [and as has been common, and in many an African culture in all, and as seen/found throughout African History in itself that is].
In helping one understand this Consciousness, is to in all again, speak in all, and of it all, and as said even associated and with speak and of just whom/who in all, Africans are, and with the Fight, the Bickering and the Arguing too that is [Link] [that those in Africa, and who do wish to create strong Local Identities, will in many a way find themselves and in a World in all, filled with many a Fight, Bickering and Arguing and in themselves that is].
In all, an attempt here and in speak of the Internet in Africa in all, and in truly attempting to have Africans re-think in all again, just whom/who in all, they are with Acrimony (controversially enough that is) [Link], and as with it in all even now associated, and with speak of Consciousness, and as said molded, shaped or 'formed'/conditioned, and in speak and of what does constitute for Help, Aid or/and Assistance, and in African societies/cultures that is.
In helping create such as Consciousness, is to perhaps in all, speak of a funnily said component, and of African societies/cultures, and which in all and as in speak of the above, does speak of Africans and as creating cultural Identity, and in speak of the Fight, the Bickering and the Arguing, while speak of Security issues/matters in Africa, now very much said associated in all and Historically too, and with a Consciousness, and that does speak in all even and of how we do define Help, Aid or/and Assistance, and in African societies/cultures that is.
In all, in perhaps attempting to ground in all again, African societies/cultures, and in a Consciousness and that does speak in all even and of how we do define Help, Aid or/and Assistance in our cultures/societies, is to now in all again refer and to the Blog posted above, 'Dar' that is, and as with every entry in it in all again, now very much perceived and from creating 'Drama'/Acrimony in all even perhaps, and in everyday African societies/cultures that is, and that does speak of each and every entry in all, and as now said to only going along in all, and with speak of how we do define Help, Aid or/and Assistance, and in our cultures/societies today too that is [and with the Fight, the Bickering and the Arguing, now left in all, and to very much deal with or speak in all that is, and of Security issues/matters in themselves that is].
Saturday, 11 October 2014
Friday, 10 October 2014
Kiumbanda, and speak too and of the very world of African Style, and in the Americas too that is, and as with it in all even speaking of those said truly African in all, and in the Americas too, and as versus those said African-American that is.
The Janjaweed
The Janjaweed.

Many if not all and in Africa too, have heard of the Janjaweed, and while they are in all often said to be a warring Militia, they do in all again appear to go along in all, and with speak of African History, and as meeting that said Egyptian, and in speak of many a Conspiracy theory that is.
That the Conspiracy in hand, and as said Egyptian too, does speak in all even, and of those it is believed, simply said out in their ways, and in the attempt, and in wiping out African Religions that is [or those simply said Egyptian/Egyptocentric in all actually].
The reason for this, is not truly known, but it does in all even appear and to speak of those who do wish to wipe out Indigenous and Native Identities in Africa [and in basic speak here too, and of African languages/tongues that is][Link], and as with they having many an African in all, falsely believe in and in all again, and in many a Structural solution, and to many of their problems that is [and a way from speak of African Philosophy in itself], and not Adaptation Models/Theory in all that is [and as it was believed said common in all perhaps, and in 60's Africa too that is].
Whether this Evil be real or not, cannot be truly ascertained, but with many believing it to be true [and in speak even and of many a displaced African, and from their very Land/homeland that is], it does in all even not speak and of Religion, and in the very form of 'the God of Africa' that is (Link), but in all ways truly even, Religion, and society too, and as very much speaking of how Africans in all, do idealize or conceptualize Heaven in itself that is.
Sherehe in all, is in many a way truly, said a Swahili term that is. It in all again, is said to truly speak and of Swahili people in all, and as said Festive/celebratory in their ways, but with the reason for this festive mood, not truly known to most that is.
In many a way though, it is believed here truly in all again that, the reason that the Swahili peoples do hold Sherehe, and as with it in all even a tradition, and as extending into Kenya in itself too (and furtherly helping in all again, very much distort Kenyan Identity, and a way from its Indigenous past too)[Link], and as Sherehe in all, has very much become a part of Kenyan Politics/Politicking, and in speak truly even of making Kenya, very much a part of the Third World truly that is. In helping one understand this better, is to not only associate Sherehe and with the Swahili Economy, but that in all ways even, it does speak of just how the Swahili in all, do choose to Fight, Bicker and very much Argue too that is.
That while the Swahili in all, and in speak of the Swahili Economy too, do in all even Fight, Bicker and Argue, and like many a person in the Middle East / Oman very much do that is, they in all again are not very much an African people in all, and as they in all again, do not at the very least Fight, Argue and Bicker, and as the Bantu truly would [though the Swahili in all, do actually possess Bantu elements and in their societies too that is].
In all though, how we do Fight, Bicker and Argue, has very much in all, come to be a true defining property and if not characteristic [and in speak too of a Modern African Consciousness], and of African Identity today, and as it does in all even, separate Nigeria for instance, and from the rest of Africa too that is. In all again, South Africa, and as said too unique as such, and as Apartheid in all, cannot be compared, and to speak of Colonialism in all that is.
While Kenya in all and as said here under the Swahili too has not fared too well in all, and in speak too perhaps, and of Economic Prowess for instance, just how best to redefine African societies and in speak of what does constitute and for the Fight, Bickering and the Arguing in all, and as with it in all even speaking of American Superiority and all over the World too, in that, speak of viewing the World and in speak of the United States of America & Japan too for instance, does speak even and of their being viewed superior in all, and in speak of the Fight, the Bickering and the Arguing too (Link), but that speak in all ways even and of Africans and as redefining themselves as such, does speak even and of the Internet in itself, but that in all ways too, it does speak in all again, and of viewing African Identity and as said Egyptian, Nubian, Libyan and Numidian too, but that in all ways truly even, it can be said to speak and of not only African English in itself, but in many a way too, speak in all again, and of African Identity, and as perhaps now in all guided in spirit, and in speak of Worldliness in itself, and in truly associating oneself perhaps, and with the very world but as now said dead too, and of the Knight that is [and as with all this even, not sounding too outlandish, and as it does even speak of Portuguese Jesuit History, and in Africa too that is].
Thursday, 9 October 2014
African Souls
African Souls.
What in all, does the Soul truly represent or stand for in all again, and in many if not all African cultures? For while many, do in all even associate the Soul, and with speak of the 'Rhythms of life' (and as surprisingly even going along and with speak of Asian societies too that is), in many an African culture though, the Soul in all, has often spoken and of Secureness in itself, and as going along in all again and with speak of a Home, but further speak even in all, and of defining Manhood, Womanhood and African Sexuality too, and in speak of Secureness and as said even a Home too that is.
That in all, African Souls, have often been defined, and by African Music & Dance, African Poetry, but further speak even and of Traditional industries in all, and such as speak even of Fishing, Basket Weaving, Agric./farming, Hunting/Gathering, Markets etc., and alongside speak even though, and of many an African Festival/festivities that is.
In many a way too, what we are truly attempting to present here, is the very view that, Africa's societies today and yesterday in all, can best be said even, problematic in their ways, and in speak and of just how best to go about defining African Souls that is [and as with it in all even, not only speaking of Secureness, but speak truly in all, and of finding a true Home that is]. In all, this very problem and as helping give birth to African Immigration Policies and in these Modern Times we live in, and as Africans today in all, do attempt to find a home and in faraway places and that do speak even and of Estonia for instance, and in their failing in defining African Souls that is.
A problem in all again, and that has seen the proliferation in all, and of Modern/Western Media, and into Africa, and as now said helping define African Souls in all, but with it all and in many a way too, simply said even a failure that is.
In all, the Internet now, and the various Medias associated with it all, and as now said even and to truly define African Souls, but with the very possibility of it all turning into a disaster (and as the Internet in Africa, is very much known to breed Hostility in itself), does in all even perhaps speak of associating the Internet in Africa, and with speak primarily perhaps, and of Governmental Websites in all that is.
The Sands of Time
The Sands of Time.
The Sands of Time, and speak in all, and of the Sahel, Egypt and the Middle East and as said one, and as versus speak in all again, and of Nubia/Sudan, Egypt and the Mediterranean too that is [Link] [and as with it all even said a form of Media in all, the Sands of Time, and that does speak of Time, and as said spent in all that is].
The Fort/Fortress
The Fort/Fortress.
The African Fort/Fortress, and speak too in all, and of just where in all again, African History, does truly meet World History in itself that is.
The African Fort/Fortress, and speak too in all, and of just where in all again, African History, does truly meet World History in itself that is.
The King of Morocco
The King of Morocco.
This entry, very much has to do, and with attempting to present a view in all, and that does say that, the Institution of the 'King of Morocco', is probably in all again, one of the more respected Institutions, and in the whole of Africa too that is.
That thankfully in all again, and to the 'King of Morocco' that is, Moroccans in all, can be said to enjoy a higher 'Quality of life' (and in speak too of harmonious/respectful relations that is), and not 'Standard of living' either truly, in that, they do now in all it is believed, present themselves more respectfully, and than most other Africans, do, and who are in all again, still said struggling in all, and in developing Images too, and that do go along and with speak of Western Success that is [and all this and as perceived and from a Post-Colonial perspective in all] [and all this too and as said to speak of Africa outside Egypt in all, and in speak of a historical reverence and towards Egypt too that is].
In all, the Institution of the King, and as dealing in all, and with Kingship Rituals too, and as with they now even perceived, more complexes in their ways or interesting too, and as versus speak of the Presidency, and which does in all speak of Public Ritual that is [that Tunisia, might be said to have higher 'Standards of living' in all, but that in all ways even, its Infrastructure, is believed more or less truly, Tunisian in spirit, and not African or Middle Eastern truly either, and as most do tend to believe that is] [Link].
In all, the very history of the Institution of the 'King of Morocco', and as going along in all again and with speak of Moors and Granada/Al-hambra, Casablanca, but that in all ways even, it is believed an Institution, African too, and that is in all, truly capable of receiving, and rather respectfully too that is, many a Visitor or Guest, said highly esteemed too, and as in speak of the King of Sweden in many a way, or truly even, many a Saudi Leader, and as including speak of the King of Saudi Arabia in himself that is].
In all, America, and as now said ruined too, speaking in all, and of Immigrants, and as attempting to truly redefine Public Ritual in the United States of America that is, and a way from speak of Family Identity, and onwards, and to speak of American Institutions in themselves, and with speak of Conspiratorial talk of America today in all again (or 'the United States of America' too that is), referring and to the so termed US Presidency, and as now said to be engaging, and in speak in all, and of War Ritual, and War Mongering too that is [Link].
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Iyami Osoronga
Iyami Osoronga.

This post in many a way, does have to do, and with just how the average person out there, does in all even think of Africa, and from a futuristic and evolutionary perspective too that is. That it in all, does not speak of truly defining African Blood in itself [and something in all again, and that might speak of the very world of African Bankers/Security/'Militias', and not African Royalty truly either (Link)], but that in all again, it does speak of (Political) Organization, and as going along in all, and with speak of (Political) Debate, and as very much having to do and with the very word 'Agency' (Link), and as very much said a term that is. That at this very moment in Africa, and in speak of Family too, a raging debate in all, and as with regards and to what is believed said truly best, and in Doing, and as with regards and to speak and of all that is.
That at every said morning in all, and across the African Continent too so to speak (and as including Nigeria in itself too), thousands in all, do awake, and do in all again, find themselves engaging, and in the very kind of work, and that does call for Work Overalls at its very best, or speak too in all, and of having to work outdoors in all again, come rain or sun that is. That they in all again, are even said to follow (or adhere too in all), strict Instructions in all, but add to that in all again, many a bold endeavour too, and in helping make Africa Viable in all, and for Africa's future Generations that is [that Africa, continues to exist as it very much is, and in myth too, and in speak of many a Worker, often said to engage in Menial Work/Labour too, and as in furtherly stating that, Africa, and as said working in all, and at this very moment too, and on towards to a great future too that is, does speak even, and of just whom or who in all, is lifting heavy Boxes, and around here in all, and not speak either and of what plush job in all, one is said to hold that is].
In helping raise awareness of Africa, and from this very perspective or angle so to speak, is to in many a way in all, truly speak and of whom or who in all again, these said lowly Workers of Africa, truly are, and in (Political) Organization that is. That speak of a Workers Union in all, is very much simply said descriptive, and in a Political fashion too, but that in all again, speak of it all and from Religious perspectives, does speak even, and of Iyami Osoronga for instance, and as truly helping many a lowly African Worker in all, truly ponder, what future is best said or deemed in all, and as said/believed truly best, and for all Africans that is [and in an Africa today, where Labour in all, is very much said Migratory too (and as it was in the slave trade eras that is), but that in all again, speak even and of Europe or the Western World, and as having life/existence/civilization grounded in all, and in speak of Workers Unions, but that in all again, the very world of Worker (Political) Organization in Africa, is very much often believed even, and to speak of local/regional conflict that is, and as versus that said National in all, conflict that is, and that does speak even, and of Corruption in itself too].
In all, the future of Africa, and in the most simplest of sense, not associated with speak of African Royalty (and African Religion too), or speak even of African Government (or speak truly even of African Banking), but that Africa as it is at the moment, is best associated and in realistic evolutionary terms, and with speak of African Workers Unions that is [though Africa at its very best, is believed said in all, and to speak in all again, and of truly debating what does stand for or represent for an authentic or genuine for instance, African Government that is][Link].
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