Friday 10 October 2014



Sherehe in all, is in many a way truly, said a Swahili term that is. It in all again, is said to truly speak and of Swahili people in all, and as said Festive/celebratory in their ways, but with the reason for this festive mood, not truly known to most that is.

In many a way though, it is believed here truly in all again that, the reason that the Swahili peoples do hold Sherehe, and as with it in all even a tradition, and as extending into Kenya in itself too (and furtherly helping in all again, very much distort Kenyan Identity, and a way from its Indigenous past too)[Link], and as Sherehe in all, has very much become a part of Kenyan Politics/Politicking, and in speak truly even of making Kenya, very much a part of the Third World truly that is. In helping one understand this better, is to not only associate Sherehe and with the Swahili Economy, but that in all ways even, it does speak of just how the Swahili in all, do choose to Fight, Bicker and very much Argue too that is.

That while the Swahili in all, and in speak of the Swahili Economy too, do in all even Fight, Bicker and Argue, and like many a person in the Middle East / Oman very much do that is, they in all again are not very much an African people in all, and as they in all again, do not at the very least Fight, Argue and Bicker, and as the Bantu truly would [though the Swahili in all, do actually possess Bantu elements and in their societies too that is].

In all though, how we do Fight, Bicker and Argue, has very much in all, come to be a true defining property and if not characteristic [and in speak too of a Modern African Consciousness], and of African Identity today, and as it does in all even, separate Nigeria for instance, and from the rest of Africa too that is. In all again, South Africa, and as said too unique as such, and as Apartheid in all, cannot be compared, and to speak of Colonialism in all that is.

While Kenya in all and as said here under the Swahili too has not fared too well in all, and in speak too perhaps, and of Economic Prowess for instance, just how best to redefine African societies and in speak of what does constitute and for the Fight, Bickering and the Arguing in all, and as with it in all even speaking of American Superiority and all over the World too, in that, speak of viewing the World and in speak of the United States of America & Japan too for instance, does speak even and of their being viewed superior in all, and in speak of the Fight, the Bickering and the Arguing too (Link), but that speak in all ways even and of Africans and as redefining themselves as such, does speak even and of the Internet in itself, but that in all ways too, it does speak in all again, and of viewing African Identity and as said Egyptian, Nubian, Libyan and Numidian too, but that in all ways truly even, it can be said to speak and of not only African English in itself, but in many a way too, speak in all again, and of African Identity, and as perhaps now in all guided in spirit, and in speak of Worldliness in itself, and in truly associating oneself perhaps, and with the very world but as now said dead too, and of the Knight that is [and as with all this even, not sounding too outlandish, and as it does even speak of Portuguese Jesuit History, and in Africa too that is].