Friday 13 June 2014

the Emotive

the Emotive.

To speak of the Emotive, is to speak in all ways even, and of just how most in Africa, do perceive attempts in all, and to re-create Africa, and as with regards and to the formulation in all perhaps, and of new African Identities. In all, to speak of African Identities and as said even and to speak of ones past or roots too, and the fear in all even, and of being disconnected from it all, and as with it referring even, and to truly discovering new ways or manners, and of defining Happiness and for one that is [and as it does all even, speak and of the very rise of Civilization in Africa, and as with it said Egyptian too, and further speak too even and of Egyptian Identity, and as speaking in all even, and of African Images of Respect, African Bodies / Body cultures, and finally in all again, African Voices too that is].

That Africa, and as said defaulting on itself, does speak perhaps and of the very first settlers and into Africa (and as with it all said even and to speak of Libya and Nubia too), and as knowing in all perhaps, where in all again,. Egypt, was/is truly located that is. 

Africans though, and due to the history of Slavery and Colonialism [and as with Africans even, said known participants, and in the previous mentioned happenings in all], now find themselves dealing and with many an issue, and as with regards to what does stand for African Images of Respect that is.

The very world though, and of African Bodies / Body cultures, is today believed somewhat outmoded in its ways in that, it is believed said to speak of Intelligent peoples, but whom/who in all ways even, are believed said unable, and to fit into the World, and as it is today that is [and as with speak even and of everyday Humour and Conventionality too actually].

It is believed though, that Africa today and as a troubled Continent, does speak even and of Identity and as going along and with speak of African Voices, and as with it all even speaking of finding ones Voice and as with regards to succeeding in Life that is [and via speak too, and of Expression in itself actually], and that in all again, speak even and of Criminal activity in Africa, and as including speak of Bribery and Corruption too, does speak in all too even, and of the search of Authentic and Genuine African Voices [and as with they said even Egyptian too that is] [and all this too, and as referring even and to an obsession by Africans, and in owning highly successful Private Businesses that is].

In all, the very world of African Voices, and as said even speaking of White Africans (and not 'White Egyptians' either), and as speaking even and of American History, and as viewed from speak of terms and such as Redneck, White trash, Crackers etc., and as with they even said to hold animosity and towards African-American groups, and who do in all ways even, possess a Voice, and in many a Political matter/issue too, and as the above terminology mentioned in all, does also speak of the Boers of South Africa too that is.

''White Egyptian'':