Thursday 13 November 2014


of Draughts.

Draughts, and as speaking of it all, and as said Artifact too, and as with it all even referring, and to many a few not a thing in all, that is believed will/would be as said as left standing, and when the said African Story too, of Nigeria, is in all believed as said as done or told for too that is.


Of said Draughts too that is, of Checkers, of Chess, or if not of the said Game too that is, of Games, in Opposition, in Variation, or if not in talk too of, and of the said Casting too that is, and of said light, the Casting of the/a light, of/on Africa, of/on Africans, and on what could too be as said of, and of a said Action too that is, of Actions, of said Deeds too, of Doings, or if not of the said Event to that is, of Events, or of the said Eventful too that is, of Occurrences, of Happenings.