Friday 2 May 2014



This post in many a way, does have to do in all again, and with speak even, and of what does in many a way constitute in all, and for a unified African Identity so to speak. That Africa in all again, is known to house many a different people in all, and as with they even said subdivided and by not only Oral traditions in all specifically, but in many a way truly even, speak even and of African Tongues in all actually. 

To speak of Africa in all and as said housing Civilized existences, and from a historical perspective or stance too in all again, is to in many a way then, speak even and of the African Village setting, and as defined in all again, and by many an Artefact, Relic and even (Political) Symbolism too, and as with they all even, at the very least said to represent life in all, and as with regards to speak of African Festivities that is. 

However though, there is an Alternate way of viewing the African Village setting, and which does speak even and of cultural life in all, and as actually defined by speech in all again, and that does match even, that to be seen in Internet styled Media too, but at the very least in all again, all this favourably even speaking of the very world of Africanisms/Popularisms in all, but in many a way truly even and as with speak of such existences and as said primitive in all again, speak even and of the lack of Technologies in all (and not Technology per se), and as with Technologies even, speaking in many a way and of just how to define Monetary systems in all actually [and as Technologies in all, do speak even and of the very flow of Money, and in societies too, and as defined by Internet styled Media that is].

This post though, will attempt to create a unified African Identity of a kind, and in speak in all, and of what some do term Body Consciousness. That Body Consciousness in all again, does speak even and of just whom we are, and as with regards to differing Skin Colours/Tones in all actually. That in many a way, Africa and as with regards to Body Consciousness today, is said or believed truly even defined in all, and by those possessing Black Skin Tones to them, and has resulted in all again, and in African societies, filled in all, and with all sorts of Incriminating behaviour that is [or speak even and of a basic belief in all that, Black is perfect in its ways, and White in many a way too, said somewhat Evil that is]. 

To understand the above better, is to not only speak of Body Consciousness, and as also speaking of whom we are and as with regards to Sentiment, Temperament, Mood or even Emotion too (and not Emotions truly either), and as with this all even, speaking of the troublesome/troubling issue and of defining what does constitute for Manhood and Womanhood in Africa, and as with regards to Body Consciousness and as defined above that is. While this issue does remain rather contentious in all, and as with basic speak even of symbolism in all and as said to represent Manhood and Womanhood in Africa today, and as with African Men in all finding difficulty in all again, and in finding symbolism to truly represent Body Consciousness in all, but with Women in Africa today, probably in all finding such symbolism and in speak of Womens Movements in all, and that do in many a way even speak of the UN (United Nations) too that is.

Another manner or way though, and of defining Body Consciousness in Africa, does speak even and of viewing it all, and in speak of the Experiences, or even deepfelt Feelings in all, and of many a group or people in Africa that is. That this in all does not speak of the late Nelson Mandela for instance, but in all ways truly perhaps, speaking even and of just how Africans in all again do define Cooperation, and as with speak even of deepfelt feelings in all, and as with regards to community problem solving in all actually. That in all, Body Consciousness and as defined as such, and as speaking and of just how we do seek to define 'Pain' in our lives that is, does probably in all best speak of placing such beliefs or thoughts in all again, and in Africans and as said to possess Brown-Black Skin Colours/Tones too that is [Link].

In all, something not too easy to deal with perhaps [and as it does even speak of upstaging somewhat, the present Political structures in place, and as to be seen in Africa today that is], but all this and as best seen even and as the best solution in all perhaps (the associating of African Body Consciousness and with those said to possess Brown-Black Skin Tones in all), and as with Africa even said to be standstill in many a way, and in speak of Development and as going along and with speak of Recognition too, and the troubling/troublesome issue in all again, and of defining Body Consciousness in Africa today, and as with regards to speak of Manhood and Womanhood too that is.

In all again, all the above and as speaking even and of Song/Divination, and as versus speak even and of Oracles/Oracular Knowledge Bodies-Systems that is.

African Feminine Body Consciousness: