Sunday 25 May 2014

Time Limits

Time Limits.

(The Light Read)

Time Limits in all, and as with it even said a Psychology too, and that does not only go rather well even, and with speak too perhaps, and of Internet styled Media, and furtherly in all again, speak too even and of just whom we are and with many a planning, plotting, scheming etc., but that in all ways even, it does speak too and of just how in all we do perceive Stratification in society [and speak even and of Socialized and Politicized Identities in Africa too that is], but that in all ways even, speak of such Stratification, and Time Limits too, does in all ways even, speak of notions of Taboo in society, but that in all ways too and as with regards to speak of Taboo in all again, it does in all speak even and of society and as drastically changing or shifting perhaps, and as with it all even, all this shifting that is, very much based around speak even and of Time Limits, and as defining even change in Behaviour in all, and such that, one can in many a way even be simply said unique to themselves, and as with others in all again, said left behind, and with many an argument too arising, and as with regards even, and to what does constitute and for society in itself [and as with it even said, a One Man Show too that is].