Sunday 18 May 2014

The Vantage Point

The Vantage Point.

The Vantage Point, and as with it even referring in all, and to not only the African Intellect perhaps, but in all ways even, speak of everyday life/experiences, and as going along and with speak of one, others or even God too perhaps, and as having a (strong) Memory even, and of ones ways or manners too that is [and further speak even and of African Civility, and the rise and fall too, and of many an African Kingdom that is][in many a way too, Europe, and as believed to speak of life and as based around the Vantage Point too, does in many a way even, speak of historical 'African' presences in all, and in Europe too that is].

In all, life as envisioned in Africa, and as lived even around, a moderate Income too that is.