Tuesday, 8 April 2014

African Civilization

African Civilization.

In spite of what has been written on, and on this Blog too, is it truly possible in all, and to build Civilization, and as based around speak of the Internet, and even further speak of Internet Cities, and Knowledge Villages too? While for some this might speak of Dubai and the Dubai Internet City, or even the Dubai Knowledge Village in all, one cannot but think in all that, speak of a Transcontinental African Civilization, could very well exist and as based around speak of the Internet [and as with further speak even, and of those who do believe in a single Language and as capable of uniting the whole of Africa], but that in all ways even, speak of such Civilization and as said even arising with Internet Media perhaps, does in all ways even speak of Egyptian Civilization, and as very much captured/presented, and in the above two works that is [and as with further speak even and of the Politics of Transnational Identity in all actually].