Friday 11 April 2014



When most do think of the Internet, and as a Development tool in all, they in all ways even tend to talk of Coverage or even Unlimited Access in all actually [and as with regards even, to defining life and as based around speak of the Primary, Secondary, Tertiary etc.]. 

There is however another way of thinking about the Internet, and that does speak even of Proximity/Order in itself, and from the very perspective of Preferences and even Spatial-Temporal Realities too (or Position that is), and all this as with regards to finding Direction, and even speak of Discounting in all that is [or speak even of being Charged, Fined, Penalized etc.].

In all again, the latter view and as believed capable of making the Internet in Africa more dynamic than one might think, and as with regards even and to speak of Individual Creativity that is.