Monday 7 April 2014

The Holy Piby

The Holy Piby.

Those in Africa, might truly wonder for what in all, does make for an Internet Presence. In all ways even, this does not speak of simply having a Blog or Website for instance, and one too, that does receive many a Visitor, but in all ways even, speak of what some do term an Internet Community [and further speak even and of what does constitute for Community and in Africa too that is].

In all ways even, further speak too and of Harnessing the Potential in all and of such Internet Communities [and as with basically associating life in Africa, and with developing of a Clean Conscience  too, or Ori too that is and as some do call it, and as with regards even to finding Independence in all actually] [and further speak too even and of interesting manners in all, and of Organizing oneself too that is].

In many a way though, it is believed even that, African Internet Communities, do in all ways even go with the developing of Ori in all [and as with speak even of going through the Stages of Life perhaps], In many a way too then, it can also be assumed that, Internet styled Communities in all, did actually exist in Africa somewhat, and if obviously taken from the very perspective that, for most if not all Africans, and as with speak even of a basic African Theology, life in all does speak even and of going through it all, and with a Clean Conscience too that is [or a clean Ori too actually].

In many a way, this does speak even of the History of Slavery in Africa, and as with it all even said to speak of Africans and as Storytellers too that is. That in all again, the average African and as a Storyteller, or truly again, the teller of a Tale actually, does in all ways even ground themselves as such and in speak even of 'Myths of origins' too, and as with further speak even of ones said Ancestral lineage in all actually [and as with all this even speaking of the History in all and of Slavery in Africa too, but perhaps in all again, the attempts of the likes of Credo Mutwa in all, and in giving the average African in all again, a rather good even 'Myths of origins', and in his seminal work 'Indaba My Children' too, and which can be at the very least said even, to speak of the development of a proper/clean Ori that is] [and all this too, and in Post-Slavery African societies that is]. In all again, all this speaking even of the so termed Slave Narrative (Link), and as with all the above in all, known in some ways to speak of just how Africans on the Internet, do seek to create Community in all that is [via speak of the very development that is, and of a clean Conscience too actually].

Further development of the Internet Community in Africa, does in all ways even, speak of Africans and as in many a way even associated with certain Presentation formats, and as with speak even perhaps of the African Blogosphere too. In many a way though, the African Blogosphere in all does attempt to put a Human Face, and to the African in all, and as with he even said Creative that is. In many a way too though, it does speak even perhaps and of the exploitation of the African in these Modern Times we live in, and from speak even of the fact that, Africans in many a way are not appreciative of themselves perhaps, and as Creative Talents too, and as with their not thinking in all perhaps, that their creative output, could very well be stolen in all [and as with this speaking even of the World of African Visual Arts, and as with it all even speaking too and of the Materiality, and that does go in all too even, and with many an African Performance perhaps, and as with such Materiality in all too even, presented in all and in certain Backgrounds or Lighting too, or even again, from many a side or angle too, and as with this manner of Presenting in all, having been exploited by the West (and especially France), and as with further speak even of Music Videos or even speak of Fashion Models and Magazine Spreads too actually].

Many an African in all, have not truly pondered perhaps, just how Africans in all again, have progressed or advanced in all, and in Thought too, and as with regards to speak of African societies, and from the very perspective, and of Slavery and even Colonialism, and as having happened that is. That in all, this does speak even and of Africans in all perhaps, and as not viewing their societies and from speak even of a Politically Religious Ethnography, to speak instead and of Diversity, and as embodied and in philosophies and such as 'Muntu' too for instance [Link]. That in all, Africans perhaps and as not truly expressing themselves and via speak of what some do term Potpourri's or even Melting Pot theories too, but doing so on the Internet in all again, and as with further speak even of Africans and Multimedia on the Internet too, or even truly again, speak of what does constitute even and for genuine African Emotions today that is [that Africans, are not perhaps aware of themselves, and as with regards to the development of Emotions in all, and as with it even said believed that, Africans today in all are more widely varied in Emotion, and than most other peoples out there, and as with all this even speaking of 'Muntu' in all actually]. Perhaps in all again, and in a World today where most don't truly open themselves up to others, Africans in all perhaps, and as knowing themselves as such that is.

Finally in all again though, Africans and the Internet, and as with further speak even of the Internet Community in Africa in all, and as with regards to the development of many an Internet Cultural Ecological system, and as with further speak even of the spearheading of Native/Indigenous Basic Research, and as with such Research even said known to go along, and with speak even of Spiritual Oracular Knowledge Systems, and further speak even of Oriki too for instance, and such as that seen in the Holy Piby too for example [and as with Ethiopian Christianity, and as a truly even said African Religion that is].