Sunday 6 April 2014

The Woman of Colour

The Woman of Colour.

Those on the Internet in Africa, and who in many a way do often seek to browse many a site said not African, do in all ways even know that the Internet in all, is imbued with many an Image of White (Female) Beauty in all, or even White Images of Success too, and as with it all even speaking of the Impact of the Internet on ones life, and as with regards perhaps to just how one does perceive Life in itself [and as with speak even of Success or Experiences too, and even on the Internet too, and as now said in all, to define our norms of Gender, Age, Class and Race too] [and if not speak of redefining our Sexuality in all that is].

For those in Africa though and who do wish to create Internet presences, and that are in many a way even Global, International or Worldly too, then in all ways even is to tell one that, when they do think of Standards of Beauty or Excellence too, and as with regards to Behaviour even, and as with the Internet even known to be dominated by many a Feminine figure too in all (speculatively speaking that is), then let them not think African, African-American, Black or Brown women  too, but in all ways even, those truly said  in all, to be 'Women of Colour' that is [and in Behaviour too].