Thursday 9 October 2014

African Souls

African Souls.

What in all, does the Soul truly represent or stand for in all again, and in many if not all African cultures? For while many, do in all even associate the Soul, and with speak of the 'Rhythms of life' (and as surprisingly even going along and with speak of Asian societies too that is), in many an African culture though, the Soul in all, has often spoken and of Secureness in itself, and as going along in all again and with speak of a Home, but further speak even in all, and of defining Manhood, Womanhood and African Sexuality too, and in speak of Secureness and as said even a Home too that is.

That in all, African Souls, have often been defined, and by African Music & Dance, African Poetry, but further speak even and of Traditional industries in all, and such as speak even of Fishing, Basket Weaving, Agric./farming, Hunting/Gathering, Markets etc., and alongside speak even though, and of many an African Festival/festivities that is.

In many a way too, what we are truly attempting to present here, is the very view that, Africa's societies today and yesterday in all, can best be said even, problematic in their ways, and in speak and of just how best to go about defining African Souls that is [and as with it in all even, not only speaking of Secureness, but speak truly in all, and of finding a true Home that is]. In all, this very problem and as helping give birth to African Immigration Policies and in these Modern Times we live in, and as Africans today in all, do attempt to find a home and in faraway places and that do speak even and of Estonia for instance, and in their failing in defining African Souls that is.

A problem in all again, and that has seen the proliferation in all, and of Modern/Western Media, and into Africa, and as now said helping define African Souls in all, but with it all and in many a way too, simply said even a failure that is.

In all, the Internet now, and the various Medias associated with it all, and as now said even and to truly define African Souls, but with the very possibility of it all turning into a disaster (and as the Internet in Africa, is very much known to breed Hostility in itself), does in all even perhaps speak of associating the Internet in Africa, and with speak primarily perhaps, and of Governmental Websites in all that is.