Thursday 16 October 2014



The very purpose of this posting, does in all have to do, and with speak and of just why many a person and as found/seen outside Africa, may not in all care to know of Africans that is [and as including speak even and of African-Americans in themselves too][Link]. That most who do in all Identify as African, do in many a way, lack a part of something in all, and that does make for many a Life experience, and outside Africa too that is. That this in all, does speak even and of the said French term Genie too for instance, and as with it in all even speaking and of one, and as Opening Up (and not Awakening either), and to speak not only of many a Reality in itself that is, but in all ways even, Opening Up and as speaking in all even and of Realization in itself too for instance, and as going along in all perhaps, and with the very belief that, life in itself, is simply said a Beautiful thing that is.

For many an African though, the belief in Opening Up to life in itself, is often said non-existent in all, and as Africans in all, are said in all even the very kind, and to want to 'keep it real' that is.

Africa though, can be a highly romantic continent, and for those who do believe, and in Opening Up, and to life in itself that is. In many a way, all this does speak even and of the very term Epiphany for instance, and as with it even said a Guiding Vision of a kind, and for those in all, and who do in all Open Up, and to life in itself that is.

In all, the Epiphany and speak even and of the Genie in us that is (and as with it even said even and to accompany Intelligence in all, and in the very form of the Whiz for instance), and as said in all even and as having gone along in all, and with the very Development that is, and of the Histories, and of America, Europe, Italy and even Egypt too that is.

That take America for instance, the Genie in all and speak too of Epiphanies and the Opening Up to life, and as said in all even, to speak of not only America in all, and as said a country of Settlers (and Residents too), but that in all even, they in all again, and as very much mythologizing life in America, and as going along in all and with speak of 'Myths of origins' that is [that Identity creation in America, is now said in all even to go along in all and with speak of the 'Port of entry' that is, and as with it even said a Determining Factor, and as with regards to speak of attaining Success in America that is]. In all, the 'Port of entry', and as said even to go along in all, and with an Acculturation process, and that does speak even of Opening Up to life in America in all, the Genie in us, and even speak of an Epiphany here and there that is. In all again, the History of (the United States of) America in all, and as now said even associated, and with three 'Port of entries': they being California, Florida and even Boston/America too that is, but with the last of these in many a way, now very much said defunct in its ways actually. In all, the following songs, and as said representing in all even, the Opening Up to life, and as seen Historically in America, and in speak of California, Florida and Boston/America respectively too [Link1, Link2, Link3].

In speaking of Europe, a more problematic approach and that does in all even speak of the known said term 'the Fall of Europe' (and further speak too of Revolutionary France and the Bastille too), and as with it in all even now, speaking of the rise of Europe, and in speak of the Genie is us, Epiphanies and the Opening Up to life too, and as primarily associated in all, and with speak of Friendships, and at all levels of society that is [and with one in all again, said not discriminatory, and other than in speak of Wit and Shakespeare too for instance]. In all, 'the Fall of Europe', and as speaking in all even, and of Friendships between Man and Woman, Old and Young, or even Ethiope, Moor and European for instance, German and French too etc., all falling to the side in all, and as Revolutionary France/Europe in all again, does in all very much help give birth and to the Present/Modern World, and as said even a truly racist place that is.

Europe and in Friendship:

In speak of Italy, speak even and of the very unknown History of Italy (and as said even to stretch back and into the Greek Times in all), and as speak of the Genie is us, Epiphanies or even the Opening Up to life (and as said to speak even, and of Colour Coding many a thing for instance), does in all even speak of the very unknown World of Italian Art, and as with it even said Templar too, and which in all is said to basically in all even Open One Up, and to life in itself, and in speak even, and of having a direct Epiphany in itself that is. 

Italian Music/song - Link.

Finally, speak here and of Egypt, and as said in all even, and to give birth to the rather complicated view in all and which does say that, the Genie is us, Epiphanies and even speak of the Opening Up to life (and as said even to have Order to it, and in speak of Chaos that is), does in all even go along and with speak and of ones Sexuality that is [or the very belief in all that, Success, is often in many a way said intertwined, and with speak of Sexuality in itself that is].

In all, for most Africans, speak of the above and as said unknown to most African cultures, and as speak of it all (the above that is), is said in many a way too, and to go along in all and with speak of the history of Nyasaland, and in Africa too that is.