Sunday 12 October 2014



This post in all, can be said, and to speak of Africa, and from the very perspective of Consciousness, and as going along truly, and with speak of Blood and Acrimony that is. That speak of African societies in all, or cultures truly in all even, and from the very perspective and of Blood and Acrimony, is in many a way truly, often said very Local/Familial in its ways that is [and as has been common, and in many an African culture in all, and as seen/found throughout African History in itself that is].

In helping one understand this Consciousness, is to in all again, speak in all, and of it all, and as said even associated and with speak and of just whom/who in all, Africans are, and with the Fight, the Bickering and the Arguing too that is [Link] [that those in Africa, and who do wish to create strong Local Identities, will in many a way find themselves and in a World in all, filled with many a Fight, Bickering and Arguing and in themselves that is].

In all, an attempt here and in speak of the Internet in Africa in all, and in truly attempting to have Africans re-think in all again, just whom/who in all, they are with Acrimony (controversially enough that is) [Link], and as with it in all even now associated, and with speak of Consciousness, and as said molded, shaped or 'formed'/conditioned, and in speak and of what does constitute for Help, Aid or/and Assistance, and in African societies/cultures that is.

In helping create such as Consciousness, is to perhaps in all, speak of a funnily said component, and of African societies/cultures, and which in all and as in speak of the above, does speak of Africans and as creating cultural Identity, and in speak of the Fight, the Bickering and the Arguing, while speak of Security issues/matters in Africa, now very much said associated in all and Historically too, and with a Consciousness, and that does speak in all even and of how we do define Help, Aid or/and Assistance, and in African societies/cultures that is.

In all, in perhaps attempting to ground in all again, African societies/cultures, and in a Consciousness and that does speak in all even and of how we do define Help, Aid or/and Assistance in our cultures/societies, is to now in all again refer and to the Blog posted above, 'Dar' that is, and as with every entry in it in all again, now very much perceived and from creating 'Drama'/Acrimony in all even perhaps, and in everyday African societies/cultures that is, and that does speak of each and every entry in all, and as now said to only going along in all, and with speak of how we do define Help, Aid or/and Assistance, and in our cultures/societies today too that is [and with the Fight, the Bickering and the Arguing, now left in all, and to very much deal with or speak in all that is, and of Security issues/matters in themselves that is].