Sunday 19 October 2014



In speaking of Ifism, is to in all even not speak of Orunmila directly, but in all ways even, truly refer or speak of, and of the rather troubling question (and if not notion in all again), and of what is said to constitute in all, and for the boundaries, outliers, ends, edges, margins, limits, fringes, brinks, outskirts etc., and of life in itself [and as something in all even said to often go along in all, and with speak of what some do term the Mother Archetype in all that is]. 

In all again, Ifism, and as truly differing in all, and from speak of other oracular/divination systems in all again (and speak even of the Obi Obata for instance), and which do in all even, deal with issues and as pertaining to speak of Destiny, Fate and Karma in all, and as with it all even again, going along in all, and with one and as said Blinded to Reality too [and in speak too in all, and of just how in all we do define, the most base or basic too, and of relations/relationships that is].