Tuesday 14 October 2014

The Kami

The Kami.

The Kami in all, can be said a term/phrase, and of Japanese origins too, and that does in all even basically refer, and to speak of the 'Forces of nature' that is [and as with they even said Orisha somewhat]. That the Kami in all, do not only speak of Seasonal changes, but in all ways truly even, speak and of just how in all, we do Idealize or Conceptualize in all again, Routinistic life that is.

In making the above clearer, is to perhaps speak and of just how best to think of Routinistic life in Africa, and as with it in all even today, said to speak and of a significant disconnect, and from past African life that is. That in understanding this is to say that, African life in the past, and as said to speak of Routines too, could very well be associated in all, and with speak of Pangs for instance, and Pangs too, very much dealt with, and by speak even and of 'spirit possession', herbalism and the ethnographical too that is.

We do though, live in a World today, dominated in all and by a Global, International and Worldly Consciousness too, and that does speak even of Modern Technologies, Modern Infrastructures and even Modern Communications in all truly, and as with they even said helping spearhead a movement in all, atheistic too, and which does in all ways even say that (and in Conscience and Consciousness too), that 'spirit possession' in all, is something in all again, not said real actually. In many a way, this is actually true and for those who do not understand the role or purpose too, and of these Modern Technologies in all that is, in that, on seeing them as they truly are one in many a way too, simply does realize that 'spirit possession' is actually said truly real [and as with it in all even perhaps, simply said real, and in speak of possessive states, and that do go along in all, and with speak of the Television too for instance].

There is another manner though (Link), and of thinking of Routinistic life, and that does in all even, speak of Dementia in itself, and as a manner of thinking about Modern African lives, and the Routines that do go with it all that is [and speak even and of a Modern Africa, simply said to have many an Energy issues to it that is][In all again, a manner pf thinking of Modern African lives, and that does in all even speak of the SADC for instance, and as having peoples in it, said having differing Routines, and from those seen in other parts / the rest of Africa that is].

In all, and in thinking of the Kami and the 'Forces of nature' too, speak in all even, and of the very founding and building of America (Northeastern States that is), and which does in all even speak of Quebec in all, and as having been said, a part of America truly [and Historically that is], and as with it in all even, said a society built, and in speak of the Kami, and the 'Forces of nature' too that is [Link]. In all again though, speak of a differing America and Quebec, and that does in all even speak of the Notre Dame too, and just where in all again, the History of France does meet that of Quebec/America in all, and as with it in all even, not only speak of Routinistic life and in the form of 'spirit possession' and Ethnography too, but in all ways even, speak truly too, and of the Moor that is [Link].