Tuesday 7 October 2014


of African Materialism.

This entry, very much has to do, and with just how those in African today, do in all define Materialism/Materiality in itself that is. That in all again, it does speak in all and of what in all again, does serve and as the major, Purpose that is, and of Success/Succeeding in all. That in all again, there are those who do primarily view African societies, and from its said Materiality too that is, and as with it even as said as not to speak and of Luxury too for instance.

That Africa developing in all, or said Modernizing too, and in speak or referring to Nigeria here in all, is very much said not realistic in its ways in that, it is those said or known to very much well fit into an Agbada that is, or hold the Title of Oba too for instance, that are truly in all again, simply known at the very least, to hold the Leadership skills in all, and that do make for Success and in Nigeria today too that is.

Attempts in all again and in having Africans Modernize or Westernize in many a way, have simply failed, and not in all and as with regards to speak of Leadership in itself, but in speak truly, and of just what Success today in all, is said to Symbolize that is [and further speak too here in all, and of (Modern) African Heritages that is] [Link].

In all though, an attempt here and to introduce most perhaps, and to just how best to go about thinking up Success and Development in Africa today, and as with it in all even coming down, and to speak in all, and of the attempt and in truly redefining African Materiality/Materialism in itself, and as with it all even simply speaking and of Africans, and as having adopted many a Global, International or Worldly Consciousness too that is [but with that said Worldly, speaking in all for instance, and of Portuguese Jesuit History, and in Africa too that is][Link].

That many an African society in the past, did simply defined Success or Succeeding in itself, and in manners/ways in all, and that did not truly speak of Blood and Acrimony in itself, but in many a way truly, and in speak of Bondage that is. In all, speak truly even, and of African life, and as simply deciphered here in all, and as with regards and to speak and of what some do term 'Yoruba life' that is.

That in Yoruba life for instance, and in speak too of Yoruba Materiality in itself, life in all again, and as going along in all and with speak of Bondage in itself (and speak too of 'Iwa Pele' for instance), and that the goal of life now in all, does speak and of being admitted, and into Yoruba society, and in the very form of the Egbe that is (and speak too, and of the terms Ogboni and Iyaami too for instance), in that, Egbe in all, does refer and to those who are simply said to adapt to Africa/African life in all, and in speak of Hardship too, and as conquered in all again and in speak of redefining Happiness or Inner Peace too, and as going along with the 'Memory of the Ancestors', and as now said represented in all, and in speak of 'Ala' perhaps (or what some do term 'streaming White Light' that is), and as with it even said to speak and of one having a Vivid Memory of life in itself that is [and further speak here even and of great Humour too for instance] (and further speak too in all again, and of Neuromelanin / Melanian in all), and which in all again, does now speak and of one and as said truly Wise and in a proverbial sense too and in the very least, and the very forming of a Body (Egbe in all), and that does in all even speak of Yoruba life in the very least, and as eventually associated in Memory, and with speak of Olorun in itself, but in many a way truly, speak of 'White Light', does speak in all, and of Yoruba society, and as now said developing Political Organization, very much Pharaonic in its ways that is [and in speak of Presentation, Prestige/Symbols, and even Power/Memory too that is].

In speak of more of this, is to in many a way too now, refer, and to where in all, Hausa life in Nigeria for instance, does meet that said Yoruba that is. That in all, this does refer and to those who do define Success/Succeeding in life, and in speak of Bondage too, and as going along and with what some do term 'Aki'/Courage that is. That Success now in all, is said to go along and with the developing of Courage, and as with it in all not said truly associated with Scholarship, but speak in all perhaps, and of Readership that is [and in a Modern sense too], but that in all ways even, 'Aki'/Courage, and as going along in all, and with the chanting/reciting of Oriki in the very least too, and as said representing a life, and that does not speak of a Polluted Mind that is [or speak too, and of life, and as perceived in all, and from the very perspective of Wasted Time][that Success in all, is truly determined, and in truly attempting to discover in all, what is believed, to be truly beneficial or worthwhile in all, and as with regards to Succeeding, and speak even and of said Yoruba Religion, and as going along in all, and with speak of aligning oneself, and to ones Destiny, and in further speak of Ori in itself too, and as said in all again, the most important element of our Being in all, and as with regards to speaking of life in itself that is][that society in all, and as defined as such, does speak of it all and in evolutionary terms too perhaps, and of a society, defined by a Memory, and that does not go along and with speak of Fear or Waste (or Energy Expended in all), and as with regards to Adaptation that is].

What of speak in all, and of just where Yoruba life or culture, does meet that said Igbo, in that, not only does it refer and to the known moniker in all, 'Naija' that is, but that 'Naija' in all again, has come to be associated, and with speak of a said derogatory term, and that is in all spelled out as "Oyinbo" too that is, or if not of said "Oyibo" too that is. That 'Naija', now attempts to redefine a post-colonial African society in all, and in speak of an African Theory, and that does attempt to present African Religion, culture or life, and from more or less a Theological perspective too in all, and as with it even speaking of Africans in all, and as said imbued with a certain Motivation, and just whereby in all again, Failure, is said not acceptable, and as with regards to simply thinking Intelligently that is [that Nigeria now, is simply said Developing (and in the name of Adaptation too), and as with regards to truly defining it, and away from Western concepts in all perhaps, and of Energy in itself that is][Link1, Link2, Link3, Link4].

What though, and of the Congo here in all, and as said having a role in all this [the redefining of African Success that is]. That speak of the Congo in all, does speak even and of the term/phrase 'Ewe Osain', and as with it in all going along, and with speak too of African Religious Sects/Cults, and as said truly to go along and with speak of Africa, and from a post-slavery perspective that is, and as with it all truly attempting to define Success/Succeeding and in speak of Consciousness too, and Consciousness, and as said in many a way, not European, American, Western, or even Egyptian too that is [Link1 --- Link2].

of Oyinbo.