Monday 20 October 2014



This entry in many a way, does have to do, and with just how in all, Africans, do think and of Winning in life, and outside speak even of Trickery, and in the form of the Con too that is. That in all we do live in societies in all again, and just where in all, the concept of Success, has very much come, to be defined and in speak of whom or who in all again we are, and with Excitement or 'Charge' too for instance, and as going along in all, and with many a Bodily fluid too, and such as speak of Testosterone (and speak too of Women and as viewing Men from the very perspective of 'Charge') [Link], but speak too in all again, and of Adrenaline in itself too for instance. In all, the said experiencing in all, and of Excitement and 'Charge', and as believed in all even, to go along and with speak of what does constitute and for Happiness in itself, and on Succeeding too that is.

While many a society and as seen around the World too, does now very much choose to define itself as such (defining Success that is, and as simply explained above), do realize in all that, the very use of 'Charge' or Excitement, has traditionally been associated and with phrases and such as 'speak of the Devil' for instance, in that, it has often gone along in all and with speak of Awareness, and not speak in all again, and of Causality/'Positivism' in itself that is.

In all, the very defining of Success in itself and as defined above, can be said in all even, and to speak of simplistic societies, and as in speaking Conceptually here too in all, and in saying that, one can very well be told in all, that, the Concept of Success, can very much have been said, to have very much in all again, been destroyed, and by the building, and of the so termed Three Step Pyramids in Egypt that is, and as with they even Pyramids, built in the very form and of the Mound too [that most or no one in all, does truly know just how to go about building a Pyramid, and as said a Mound too that is][Link].

Many a society in the past though, has now in all relegated the concept of Success, and as going along even and with speak of Succeeding in itself too, to the back, in that, Success and society, is now in all again associated, and with speak of 'the Cycles of life' that is. That life now in all, is said best viewed for instance, and in speak of Birth-Death-Rebirth cycles in all, but that in all ways even, and interestingly too, while the forementioned is said to speak of the 'Cycles of life' and outside Africa too in all (but still very much seen within Africa too), Africa in all again, or speak too of Egypt that is, is said now in all again associated and with 'Cycles of life', and that do go along in all, and with the name 'Atum' for instance, and as in speak of life, and as truly associated, and with speak of Creationist-Destructionist theories, and of the 'Cycles of life' that is [and with this model in all, the latter that is, coming to truly define Egyptian History in itself actually].

In all though, and for those in Africa too, the above 'Cycles of life' that is, can be said acquainted with the following in all. That speak of so termed Birth-Death-Rebirth 'Cycles of life' in all again, and as said to go along in all, and with the foregoing of Success in itself and in speak of Succeeding in itself too, in that, such 'Cycles of life' in all, Birth-Death-Rebirth that is, can be said to go along and with speak of truly defining many a society, and in speak of 'Common Sense' in itself too for instance.

In speaking though, and of Creationist-Destructionist theories and on/of the 'Cycles of life', one in all again now does see Success, and as going along in all, and with speak of defining Moods//Presences in all, and in society too that is.