Thursday 9 October 2014

The King of Morocco

The King of Morocco.

This entry, very much has to do, and with attempting to present a view in all, and that does say that, the Institution of the 'King of Morocco', is probably in all again, one of the more respected Institutions, and in the whole of Africa too that is.

That thankfully in all again, and to the 'King of Morocco' that is, Moroccans in all, can be said to enjoy a higher 'Quality of life' (and in speak too of harmonious/respectful relations that is), and not 'Standard of living' either truly, in that, they do now in all it is believed, present themselves more respectfully, and than most other Africans, do, and who are in all again, still said struggling in all, and in developing Images too, and that do go along and with speak of Western Success that is [and all this and as perceived and from a Post-Colonial perspective in all] [and all this too and as said to speak of Africa outside Egypt in all, and in speak of a historical reverence and towards Egypt too that is].

In all, the Institution of the King, and as dealing in all, and with Kingship Rituals too, and as with they now even perceived, more complexes in their ways or interesting too, and as versus speak of the Presidency, and which does in all speak of Public Ritual that is [that Tunisia, might be said to have higher 'Standards of living' in all, but that in all ways even, its Infrastructure, is believed more or less truly, Tunisian in spirit, and not African or Middle Eastern truly either, and as most do tend to believe that is] [Link].

In all, the very history of the Institution of the 'King of Morocco', and as going along in all again and with speak of Moors and Granada/Al-hambra, Casablanca, but that in all ways even, it is believed an Institution, African too, and that is in all, truly capable of receiving, and rather respectfully too that is, many a Visitor or Guest, said highly esteemed too, and as in speak of the King of Sweden in many a way, or truly even, many a Saudi Leader, and as including speak of the King of Saudi Arabia in himself that is].

In all, America, and as now said ruined too, speaking in all, and of Immigrants, and as attempting to truly redefine Public Ritual in the United States of America that is, and a way from speak of Family Identity, and onwards, and to speak of American Institutions in themselves, and with speak of Conspiratorial talk of America today in all again (or 'the United States of America' too that is), referring and to the so termed US Presidency, and as now said to be engaging, and in speak in all, and of War Ritual, and War Mongering too that is [Link].