Tuesday 9 September 2014

African Revolutions

African Revolutions.

This entry will in many a way, attempt to teach one and of what does constitute and for Consciousness, and in Africa too that is: and as with it all even said to speak of three things: Aesthetic, Practises and the Politic too (Link).

That when we do talk of an Aesthetic (and as with it even speaking of Dance or Poetry too), will are in all speaking of a group of people in Africa, and who do attempt to and in the very least too, to create a Psychological profile of themselves, and that does go along and with speak of the Aesthetic that is. An Africa too, and that does define Consciousness, and in speak and of just whom or who in all, they are, and as with regards and to speak of disorientation, disillusionment or even disappointment in itself too that is [and a Consciousness in all again, and that does go along and with speak of Africa, and from the very perspective of Slavery and Colonialism too that is][and as versus speak of the Ethiope too in all perhaps]. In all, an Identity in all again, and that does go along and with speak of poverty and in Africa today too, and as the Aesthetic in Africa, has often been associated and with speak of African Religion, and in the form of Ancestor Worship & Veneration too, and in an Africa today, and just where African Ancestor Worship & Veneration is believed said by many no longer valid in its ways that is, and as with speak of Africa now, and as said 'Black African' too that is.

The second of these Identities in Africa, and in Consciousness too that is, does speak in all, and of African Identity, and as going along and with speak of African Practises in themselves that is (and away from those readily identified in all, and with speak of Family Identity too), and as with they in all even referring and to speak of Consciousness, and in the following form [Link][or speak too in all, and of Consciousness, and as defined and in speak of what one readily even, does choose to 'Focus on', 'Concentrate on', or even and in all again perhaps, 'Look into' in all that is]. A Consciousnesses, and that does in all even speak and of just where in all again, African History, does meet that of Egypt, and directly too, and as with it in all even, speaking and of just how Africans in all, do perceive all kinds of Practises, and as with they in all again, said to speak of Intelligence in itself that is [and further speak too for instance, and of Laboratory Research, and as truly grounded in all, and in speak of Practises that is].

Finally, the third of these Identities, and as going along and with speak of an African Consciousness, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of African Religion and as perceived even and in speak of Possession in itself that is [and with the Blogger here for instance, associating such Possession, and with the ability of ones Memory, and to truly function in all, and in a rather meticulous manner that is]. In all, a Consciousness and that is truly said African in its ways (and with Religion in the form of Possession in all, not truly a part and of many another World Religion that is), but that a Consciousness in all, and that most in Africa too, should in all ways even be truly identifying with perhaps, and as it does in all even speak of Intelligence, and in speak and of not only God in himself that is, but in many a way truly, and in speak of the ability to truly Interpolate many a thing, and in speak even for instance and of the Idea, and as simply said an Adjective too that is.