Sunday 21 September 2014

Egypt, Nigeria & Kenya

Egypt, Nigeria & Kenya.

Many in Africa have heard and of Africa in itself, and as said presented in all, and in speak of Egypt, Nigeria, Kenya and even South Africa too [and as with it all even said and as pertaining, and to speak of Economic Status too that is].

In many a way though, an attempt to redefine the above and in speak too of Internet (styled) Media that is, and as with it all all even said to speak, and  of the above said in all, and as truly in all representing speak of Public Art and in the three places too that is. That Public Art in Egypt, is often associated and with speak of Language in itself, while that in Nigeria, does often go along and with speak of African History, and as encompassing that said Egyptian and South African too, while Public Art in Kenya, has often been associated, and with speak of the Dead that is.