Thursday 4 September 2014

Perception (2)

Perception (2).

This entry will intent, and to pass as a follow-through, and for the previous post and on 'Perception' too that is. That Perception can be said many a thing, but when it does in all, come to foreseeing the Future, speak of Perception in itself, does become problematic, and in speak here and of Impulse or Motivators too that is. That for most in Africa, Impulse or Motivation/Motivators, and as now in all, coming to be defined and by a Media, and that is not African essentially, but in many a way truly, often simply said Western that is [and with Impulse here, often associated with Western Ritualism in all, but with Motivation/Motivators on the otherhand, going along, and with speak of Sexualism too, and as said Western that is].

In many a way truly, Perception and as defined above, has in many a way truly again, led to an Africa, filled with many a Social problem/ill in that, Africa and in Impulse and Motivation/Motivators, is traditionally said, and basically too, and to speak of Africa's Storytelling Tradition that is [and with it all today, best said to speak and of African Religious Writings that is][Link].

In many a way truly here, speak in all, and of Perception, and as going in all again, and with speak of the Future too perhaps, and as in many a way too, going along and with speak of Afflictions, Affections, and even Woe in itself, and as perhaps arising and with many a Situation, best said not to speak of Politics or History in itself, but in many a way truly, in speak of Consciousness that is.

In all, in speaking of Perception and as mentioned above, Afflictions/Effects etc., is to also speak and of a said general African Consciousness, and of the above too, and that does speak in all, and of just how Africans in all again (and as perceived and from speak of Institution too), do define the above said/mentioned African Consciousness, and of Afflictions etc., in all that is [and as basically presented below too in all]:

1. Aches & Pains.

2. Pleasure & Pain.

3. Feel & Paining.