Thursday 4 September 2014



What in all, does Perception truly mean? It in all again, can be said and to simply refer and to just whom or who in all, we are, and when awake that is. In many a way, it doe also call into question just whom or who in all we are, and when we do fall into Sleep in itself, but in many a way truly, speak too in all, and of what does constitute, and for Trauma in itself, and in our lives too that is.

Perception though, and from a Cultural perspective in all, is often truly associated and with speak and of what some do term Stereotype in all that is. That in many a community or place around the World, most of its peoples, populaces or denizens in all again, are simply said imbued with certain Stereotype in all, and by which, every awakening Moment so to speak, is simply judged by that is [and speak too perhaps, and of the erroneous belief here that, and by many too, that the Western World and in speak of its Media, is highly developed in Perception that is, in that, incidents in all and that do speak of Ethnic Cleansings for instance, or Human Rights Violations too, are in themselves believed limited in scope or range perhaps, and as compared and to speak of the rest of the World that is]. In many a way though, Egypt, and as believed even, a Super-Civilization of a kind, does have to do, and with just whom or who in all the Egyptians of old  were that is, and with Perception too, and as with it in all even, said to have encompassed speak of Magical Belief's in themselves, and such that 'the Land of the Pharaohs' in all, was deemed by many, a Civilization, and for all Time(s) too that is.

In many a way though, Perception and on the average, going along and with speak of Climatic conditions for instance, and speak too and of the Sun as said Shining for instance, or truly in all again perhaps, speak of those who do view everyday life, and in speak of the Indoors and Outdoors in themselves too, but furtherly speak in all here, and of not only Africa's Publishing Industry and as said beloved by many out there [Link], but truly in all again perhaps, speak even, and of Africans and as truly getting in touch, and with what they do term 'Long-Term Memory' that is [Link]. That in all again, Perception, does in all even, speak of Reality in itself, and as perceived in all perhaps, and from speak of Embodiment in itself too that is [Link].

However though, life in Africa and when it does come and to speak of Perception, is in many a way, often associated, and with attempting to define, what in all, does pass for African Communications that is. That Africa and as a Civil place, has very well known its Communications, and at the very least too, grounded in all and in speak of Ancestor Worship & Veneration in itself that is. Africa and as said changing with the Times (and as including speak of Egypt here too), does in all even perhaps, speak of African societies, and as said rising in all, and from speak of Ancestor Worship & Veneration in all again, and on wards to Ancestor Reverence too that is, but in many a way too, speak of African Art in itself, and as often truly said grounded in all, and in speak of Communications in themselves too that is.

In all though, the further Belief here that, African Communications are truly complicated in themselves, and such that, they do in all again, truly merge, and with the very world of Viruses in themselves, and in speak of Viral Communications too that is [and as said an everyday Reality in all][and all this too, and as basically perceived and from speak of Epidemics for instance, or many a problem too, and as said Endemic in all truly].

In all perhaps, the very Belief here that, and by the Blogger too, that Viruses in all (and alongside speak of Pathogens or even Bugs too disturbingly), do offer in all, the highest of levels, and when it does come and to speak of Perception in itself, and as said in all again, an African form of Spirituality, and that does speak in all even, and of someone, and as termed or said (and preferably too perhaps), a 'Warlock', or 'Necromancer' too that is.