Thursday 4 September 2014

Perception (3)

Perception (3).

This entry on Perception, will speak and of viewing Perception in all, and in a rather novel manner, and that is said in many a way too, truly African that is. It in all ways even, it does speak and of Neglect in itself that is. 

In all ways even, it does go along and with speak of Perception, and as truly deciphered in all perhaps, and in acknowledging the Presence of God that is. How one does go about this is not truly known perhaps, but there are those who do associate the Presence of God, and with speak of Luck or Chance too for instance.

Neglect in all, and as now in all again, talking of the otherside of Perception for instance, and as said in all, and to speak of our Dark side for instance. That in Perception, Neglect in all does speak of our seeking Curative, Healing or Therapeutic (Treatment) Moments in all, and as with regards and to just about everything we do perceive in all, and with Perception too and of many a thing and if not all, speaking and of our Recognizing, 'Figuring Out', or Discerning/'Making Out', many a thing that is (and if not all), and in the name of Neglect too in all [and of ourselves, others, (our) environs and God in himself too that is].

In all ways even, a manner of defining Perception, and that does speak of Neglect in itself, and as said to speak and of Belief and of whether or not truly, God does exist that is [and a way from speak of Chance or Luck too that is].