Friday 19 September 2014

The Social Fabric

The Social Fabric.

Identity creation in Africa, and that is truly in all said to be of interest and to many an African, and as with it said to truly speak of the Conventional in all that is [or further speak even, and of whether in all, Naomi Campbell or Dave Chapelle too, can be classified as African that is][Link].

In all, the Social Fabric, and as said often believed, and to go along in all and with Identity creation in Africa, and as speaking of African Ornaments too [and further speak even, and of who in all, is truly African and who is not], but that in all ways even, an existence in all perhaps, said known to go along and with speak of African Poetry too [and as versus speak of African Music or Dance that is], and as said even truly representing, what some do call simple Humour, and as said African too that is [Link].