Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Embassy

The Embassy.

This entry in many a way in all, does truly have to speak, and of prospects, and as going along in all again and with speak of the 'Country' of Kenya that is [and as versus speak of South Africa too]. That Kenya in all, is more or less believed promising in its ways, and as with regards to speak of Africa, and as compared in all, and to speak of South Africa too that is.

To understand better what this entry is all about, is to perhaps speak of the differing histories, and of both places that is. That South Africa in all, does actually have a violent history to it, and of War to, and a 'situation' in all again, and that has marked the Country's Identity, and onwards and unto the very end of Apartheid, and the release of late President Nelson Mandela too, and from imprisonment that is.

This is not so of Kenya, and as the history of Kenya in all, does in all truly differ and from that of South Africa too, and as in stating that, the very reason and for wanting to settle in South Africa, and by many a Settler in all, is not truly known, and other than speak and of South Africa and as said by some, a rather scenic place that is. While the History of South Africa is very much tied and to speak of the British, Australia and even South America too (and speak here of Namibia in all), that of Kenya, is in many a way tied and to speak of Europe, Christianity in Africa, and even the Swahili lands too that is [and as including speak of Fort Jesus in itself, and which does speak more or less and of Kenya, and not the Swahili people in particular that is][and further speak here even, and of Napolean, and as said making his way, and onto the Kenyan Coastline in itself that is, and in search for Labour in all, and as said to work in French owned Mauritius and Reunion too that is].

In many a way, the very origins of Kenya in all, can best be said here, and to speak and of the term 'the Scramble for Africa' too. That unlike South Africa, and whose history in all, and as with regards to speak of Europe, can be tied and to speak of Iberia (Portugal/Spain), Victorian/Edwardian London, and also speak of Captain James Cook in himself too, that of Kenya, can be said in many a way, tied and to speak of Haiti that is [and as with regards to Europe in all]. That after the 'Fall of Europe', and the Haitian Revolution in itself, many a person does in all ways even, make their way and into Kenya, and in speak too, and of 'the Scramble for Africa' that is [that the 'Fall of Europe' in all, does go along and with speak of figures and such as Alexander Dumas in himself, and many another figure said notable and in Haitian History too, and as said Moor in all again , and as with they now in all even, making their way in many a way too, and into Kenya, and as unknown to most out there too that is].

In all, what 'the Scramble for Africa' did in all truly speak of, was the very belief that, life outside Africa (and as in referring here and to European Colonialism of Africa), was very much decrepit in its ways, and that History in itself had come to an end, and that Africa in all, was very much seen as a last Frontier, and where in all again, one could build new Civilization that is [and in the name of Conquest, Christianity, Commerce and even 'Civilization' too that is][and with 'Civilization' here at the very least, going along with Myth, and as said to speak of Egypt too actually][and further speak here even, and of Napoleans travels and to Egypt too in all]. This is not true though and of South Africa, and as South African History and as said British too, does in all now go along and with the very creation of the British Empire, and as said centered in all, and in the UK/England/London too that is.

In all, while the British are said in all again very much interested, and in helping exploit Africans and in the name of Labour too (and as with they in all again said responsible, and for taking many an African looking person out of Asia for instance, and onwards to many another place and as including Africa in itself) but as said exploitable Labour too, speak of 'the Scramble for Africa' in all, is more problematic in its ways, in that, it did in all, speak of clearing Africa, and of all kinds of 'riff raff' that is [Link][that European Colonialism, is best said tied and to speak of the British in Africa, while 'the Scramble for Africa', does in all even speak of Missionary activity and in Africa too, and further speak even and of Smallpox for instance].

Kenya and as said harbouring Colonial sentiments, is nothing much at all like South Africa, and which in many a way does still believe and in exploiting Africans in all, and as with Africans too, believed said Intelligent workers and when well trained, but in many a way too, believed rather disloyal in all perhaps, and to British Interests too that is. That in Kenya though, Colonial sentiments, does in all very much speak even and of Ethnic Cleansings for instance, and that Kenya in all again, and as a Developing State, is said very much in trouble here, and as with regards and to speak of its populations in all, and as said basically corrupt/immoral by nature that is [and speak too and of African Identity in Kenya, and as said Ethnic / Missionary Christianity, Swahili, and that said Indigenous /  African Christianity (Link) too that is]. That the attempt to civilize many a person in Kenya, and as said Ethnic / Missionary Christianity too perhaps (Link1, Link2), is said in many a way deemed a failure here (and as with they too, the majority in all perhaps), but that Swahili Identity in Kenya, does in all even speak of Western Influences, and in Kenya too that is][Link1, Link2]. 

In all, what exactly is an Embassy? Before we do get to the Answer in itself, is to first off perhaps, offer a view and of Kenyan Colonial society, and as with it even said civil in its ways too, in that, discriminatory attitudes were kept in check, and by speak of 'African Christianity' too for instance, but that the arrival of the British and into Kenya (and in the name of the BEAC that is), and in a Kenya too, and whose society in Nairobi, could best be said Victorian in all actually, does bring with it all, change, and as said acrimonious in its ways too that is [Link]. The British though and on arriving, do in all even make, Kenyan society, and as now simply said White and Non-White, and which in all does lead and to speak of the Mau Mau Uprising, and with 'African Christianity' too, now classified and under the name/phrase of 'Britain in Kenya' too that is [Link].

The Embassy though, does differ and from speak of the Consulate, the Diplomatic Mission or even the Chancery too [and as with it in all even truly said British that is]. That the Embassy in all again, can be said in many a way, and to go along in all, and with speak of African Culture that is. In understanding this better, is to perhaps mention that, the basic premise of building Life/civilization in Kenya, and in the name of 'the Scramble for Africa' too, did in all ways even perhaps, go along in all and with speak of Architecture, and in the form of Select/Set Designs in all  that is (and as with they even said unique in their ways too), in that, Kenya and as said developing in all, did in many a way go along and with the erecting or building, and of many an Architectural Design in all, and as said and to find inspiration, and from many another place in the World too that is.

The Embassy though, and as said to speak of Africa too, can best be said in all again, and to refer and to the Arabian Nights (Haddawy edition), and in culture too that is. However, the Embassy is more than that, for it does speak in all, and of African Continental Identity, and as grounded in all again, and in speak of the Embassy in itself, and not many a Developmental Agenda too that is. That the Embassy, does in all even primarily speak and of developing Kenya and along the lines of 'Set/Select Design Architecture' that is [and that living in a real-life Castle in Kenya, does not sound outlandish in its ways too], but that Kenyan life in all (and as versus speak of South Africa), can truly be said and to go along and with speak of African Culture (and as said re-invented in all again), and in the form of Legend, Fable, Myth, Hero or even basic speak here and of the 'Playground and of the Rich & Famous' too that is, but that the Embassy in all, does in all for instance speak and of life, and as going along and with speak of the Parliamentarian (Link) [and as most of the more famous of Kenyan Politicians, truly are that is] [Link], or the Peer too that is [and as said a Title in all actually][Link1, Link2] [and speak even and of the very works of Jane Austen for instance][and as in furtherly telling one that, Kenya's population is not believed and to be of the 30 Million count in all, and as this count in many a way, is believed a politically motivated publicity tool in all, and as created in all again, and by the Moi Regime that is].