Saturday 27 September 2014

The Seasonal

The Seasonal.

In speaking of the Seasonal in Africa and in the most of the World too, is to first off perhaps mention in all that, it did in all arise, and with just how in all, we do define Frequency in our lives that is. That in all, the Seasonal, can be said to truly explain, just how in all for instance, many a society and as now said civilization too, did in all be come far more advanced for instance, and than many another society to be found/seen out there that is.

That in Africa, the Seasonal, does in many a way truly even refer and to just how traditional and if not ancient (in their ways that is), Africans, did practise Agriculture, and as with it all even simply going along and with speak of Crop Cultivation in itself, and as with it all even too, said to go along in all and with many a Traditional Food Festival in all, and when one does reap that is, what they did in all sow.

In more advanced societies though, the Seasonal, and as not truly speaking of the Seasons in all, but that in all again, the Seasonal, and as coming to be truly defined in all, and in speak of Fashion for instance, Ceremonial Dress, Festivities, Local industry/produce, Monetary/Banking systems, Mating rituals, (Medieval) Sportsmanship, Countryside lifestyles (and not living) etc.

In Africa though, speak of the Seasonal, does in all even speak first of the so termed 'Tropic of Capricorn' and 'Tropic of Cancer' too, but that in all ways even and alongside speak of the above, does in all it is believed, speak of Ancestral Worship in itself, and Ancestral Worship too, and as in many a way truly even, associated, and with speak of Local Religious Worship in itself that is.