Saturday 19 July 2014

Ba- Ka- Spirituality

Ba- Ka- Spirituality.

Many in Africa, have probably truly heard, and of Ba- Ka- Spirituality in all. It in all again is often said Egyptian, but in all ways even, does truly appear and to be of African Pygmy origins that is [though it all, finding parallels in all again, and in Egyptian Religion that is]. In all, Ba- Ka- Spirituality, does attempt to basically speak of Man, and as said possessing a Soul (Ba-), and truly in all again, speak of of Man, and as said possessing a spirit (Ka-).

In all, why is Ba- Ka- Spirituality, of said importance, and to many a person, and who does in all, engage, and in Internet styled Media [Link], and in Africa too? It does in all again, go very well in all, and with speak too, and of just what does stand for African Civility that is. That African Pygmies, and as often believed truly primitive in their ways, are actually far more Civil in their ways and than most do believe them to be, and something in many a way, and that is in all again, said  to speak in all even, and of what some do term Intonation [that Pygmy Intonation, African, does actually speak of Civility, and that this Intonation in all again, has often been associated, and with many a famed or popularized African Rebel Leader for instance].

In all, what does Ba- Ka- Spirituality stand for in all again, and when it does come to speak of Internet styled Media that is? While it does speak of many a famed (Internet styled) figure, and as having Intonation and as similar to that of the African Pygmies, it does also speak and of what the Yoruba do term Elenini, and also speak of Altered States of Consciousness (ASC) that is. That African Civility, is said to very well go along and with speak of Elenini, and Altered States of Consciousness too (and as with they merely said Social that is) [and speak even and of having received a phone call, or truly even perhaps, an IM Message, and via an Internet Forum too, and from a said or known even, Attractive person that is, and with no idea in all, and of just why that is], but that in all ways even, the very world of Ba- Ka- Spirituality, has given birth, and to a social phenomenon in all, and that does in all ways even speak of Africans, and from the very perspective of Elenini and Altered States of Consciousness (and as Socially here termed ASC too), and as referring in all even, and to what some do term Afrocentrism that is [that Afrocentrism, is said believed even, born of a world, Social too, and that does go along and with Elenini, and also speak of ASC that is][and further speak too, and of the very belief that, Modern African Educational Systems, are truly harmful in their ways that is][and as with they in all even, turning one, and into an Afrocentric actually].

In all, Ba- Ka- Spirituality, and alongside speak even of African Pygmies, and as truly in all again said responsible even, and for truly in all again, at the very least in all, turning the African Internet Space, and to one of the most known or popularized out there that is [and from an Informal News Network perspective too that is].

Ba- Ka- Spirituality [and as in speaking of Pygmy Intonation and in Instrumentals too]: