Tuesday 29 July 2014

The Simple Life

The Simple Life.

Those living in Africa, and as engaging in all, and in Internet styled Media that is, might find themselves in an enviable state, and as with regards to observing in all, those in Africa, and who do in all ways even tend to structure their lives, and as based on many a strong Political/Family structure that is [and as basically here in all, speaking of the city-state model for instance, and as found amongst certain African/Nigerian Native/Tribal groups that is].

In all, the purpose of this entry, is to perhaps make those and as said following Internet styled Media in all, very much Aware in all that, they in all again, do often seek to live out lives, and that do in all speak of Basic lifestyles, and as with they in all even said to speak of defining the What, Why, Where, Which, When and How, and in their/our lives in all that is.

There is however another model in all, and that can be said useful, and when it does come to living life and as based on speak of Internet styled Media that is, and that does in all even, refer and to what some do term the Simple life, and as with it and in all again, said to speak and of defining Relevancy, Meaning & Motive, and in our lives too that is [and a way of life in all, and that does go along and with speak of Iconography, and in Africa too that is].