Thursday 31 July 2014



Most in Africa, have truly heard of Capoeira, and from a said seemingly embarrassing point of view. The very belief that, if one is called upon, and as said an avowed African, they do in all have something to say about Capoeira, and from speak of many a Form & Motif perspective too [the very belief and by many an African in all, that Capoeira's Forms & Motifs, are not as complicated, and as those found in said genuine African Arts, and with Capoeira, simply discerned and from speak of the Authentic that is]. It is here in all again, and just where Africa in all, does meet the Portuguese world (and as termed Luso- too), in that, Capoeira, and as said Brazilian too, does speak of the Genuine, while Capoeira and as said African, does speak of Luso-/Lusophone Africa that is [that to the African, Capoeira simply speaks of Media, and not a life truly lived, and as a Capoeirista that is; and as said to speak of the Genuine in Expression][please do see/'look into': 'Capoeira: A Street Smart Song' and by Nestor Capoeira too].

In all, what we are trying to get at, is just where in all, the roots of Capoeira do lay, in that, speaking of Capoeira and as said Authentic to Africa (but from the very perspective of Lusophone African Media), does in many a way truly help and in perceiving in all, the very rise of African cities, and African Architectural Design that is. That Capoeira in Africa, is simply said a Cult, and one Religio-Political too, but that in all again, knowing Capoeira not to be African (and as Academia might hint at), opens one up, to seeing a whole new Africa, Capoeira-like in its ways perhaps, and as going along and with Architectural Design in Africa, and as said Congo/Kongo (Kinshasa), Hausa (Lagos), Fulani (Dakar), Swazi (Gaberone, Lesotho), Swahili (Mombasa, Lamu), and even African Christianity (Nairobi) too.

In all, speak too, and of terms and such as Lagosian or Nairobian too that is.