Thursday 17 July 2014

Hottentots & Morons

Hottentots & Morons.

Hottentots & Morons, and as with it all even speaking of Africa (today) and in all again, and as simply said a 'Troubled Continent' that is [and one with no Future Prospects to it either]. That Africans in all, and as said here and as not having their Priorities right perhaps, and due in all again, and to just how African History has transversed in all, and in more recent Times that is, in that, Africans are now said Deformed and in Character and Nature actually [and further speak here too, and of African 'Internet styled Media' that is].

In all again, Africans, and as not willing to accept their ways and natures [and speak even and of said Cannibalistic rituals and in parts of Africa too that is], but that in all ways even, this does all speak and of African Religion today and as said Popularized too, but that in all ways even, speak too in all and of the very term Tradition, and as the only hope and for many out there, and in Africa too, and as simply said Hottentot or Morons in their ways that is [and further speak here even, and of many an African in all, and as said interested, and in the Spirituality/Religion and of many a people outside Africa too (Link), and as with it all too, said perceived even, and from speak in all, and of Tradition that is].

In all again, and in the attempt to make a point here, Hottentots & Morons, and as speaking in all, and of Africans and as said as lacking in Potential, and not in Intelligence truly either that is [that Africa today and in all again, has actually made Inroads, and as with regards to Native/Indigenous Educational Systems that is, but further speak here in all, and of no 'Fruits', and as said 'Beared' that is, and as with regards to all this actually] [and further speak too in all again, and of Tradition here in all, and as said even, and to speak of Religious Instruction, and as said truly Novel in its ways that is].