Monday 28 July 2014

The Black Celebrity

The Black Celebrity.

Just whom or who in all, is the Black Celebrity? He or she is often in all, said to be not African, and in Blood too, but in many a way truly, is known to spark many an argument, and as with regards to speak of African Images, and on an International or Worldly level too, and as speaking in all even, and of Attractivity levels that is.

In many a way, the Black Celebrity, and as with he/she in all even, said truly Western in all, and in Physical looks, but with he/she and in all again, said truly not African, and in Oral Tradition, but in all even, could be said associated and with a certain African Ethnography that is.

To understand in all, just what we are trying to get at, is to perhaps in all again, speak of the very fact that, the Black Celebrity, is often said to be readily accepted in all, and in many a Non-African Cultural Setting, and than those said African, truly are [and as in speak of Credentials here that is].

To make though, a long story more or less short in its ways, is to then in all, speak and of just how the Black Celebrity, has sparked many an argument (and that does go along and with Internet styled Media, and Western Media too in all), and as with regards to speak of just how Western Discriminatory attitudes in all, have truly made their way, and into Africa that is.

That Africa, and as with regards to its Racial Diversity, can be said to be divided and into Two Hemispheres [above and below the Equator], and with those above the Equator, said to have Racial Diversity amongst themselves, and that does have Variations to it, and that is said to go along and with speak of Temper in itself too, in that, those in Somalia are often associated and with those in the Sahel for instance, but with Racial Diversity and Above the Equator in all, and as said in all again approximating Western standards in all, does find a home, and as with regards to its Racial Diversity, and in Chad that is [and as with Chad in all, said highly varied, and as with regards to Racial Diversity that is].

Those Below the Equator on the otherhand, can be said in all, and to be racially Diverse, and in a simple manner, and that does speak and in all again, and of Egyptian Civilization, and as said African too, and as versus speak of it and as said in all, Egyptian too that is. That those below the Equator, do in all have Racial Identity, and that does speak and of its said being grounded in all, and in speak of the Khoi-San in Botswana, and even the Pygmy races and as seen in the Congo and Cameroon too for instance. That these group of peoples in all, are said not Western truly [and as in making South Africa a Country in all, and of Western settlers that is, and further speak too, and of the Western races in South Africa, and as with they said not Zulu in all truly], but that in all ways even, and in speak of Racial Makeup [and if not Genetic too], do approximate Racial Identity, and as seen in African Egypt that is [and as with it said not Nubian in all actually].

African Egypt - Link

Egyptian Egypt - Link

In all, Africa, and as defined and as above, heavily Media driven, in that, those below the Equator, can be best said associated and with a Victorian/Christianity Media in all [and as with regards to speak of the Modern Times that is], but with those above the Equator, said in all, associated, and with a European/American Media in all actually [and as with regards to Presentation in all that is].

Africa Serialized:

Above the Equator: - Link

Below the Equator: - Link

In all and truly too, all the above and said speaking and in all again, and of what many do term a Racial Heritage in all (and on a Worldwide scale too), and as with that Above the Equator, speaking of Spain for instance, while that Below the Equator, does speak in all, and of Ancient Britain too for instance [and speak too of the Kong', and as pertaining in all too even perhaps, and to speak of a 'Black' Jesus too for instance].