Friday 11 July 2014



The story of Civilization, and as with it even said Egyptian too, can very well be told, and from the very perspective of Internet styled Media that is. That there is a version, and that does speak of the very rise of Egyptian Civilization, and as going along in all, and with many a famed Storyteller that is. In all, Storytellers, and as telling the most wonderful or interesting of stories, and as with they even said intermixed or very much in continuity too, and with each other, such that, the Storytellers of old (and as with they even attempting to define us all, and from speak of the Psychic too), were in all said very much capable, of telling in all, many a tale, and in a more or less frequent spacing/timing that is (Frequency versus Time), and such that, life in all was more or less even, experienced, and in speak of Frequency too, and not Time truly either that is [that the key in all, and to truly understanding Psychic phenomena in all again, does lie in speak of Frequency, and not Time truly either].

In all again, life in those early days, and as said lived around Frequency in itself, and not Time truly either, and before a Time Consciousness in all does truly get a hold of Egypt, and as in making it truly a complicated society, and one whose ways, could only be understood, and in speak of the Title, and of Pharaoh that is.