Wednesday 30 July 2014

Bantu Philosophy

Bantu Philosophy.

Those living in Africa, have truly heard and of the Bantu. They in all, are truly said in all even, and to very much have their origins, and in speak of Cameroon too that is. In many a way, those who do present the Bantu as such, do in all ways even associate Bantu life, and in speak of Bantu Philosophy, and as going along and with speak of the Egyptian term N-tu, and with Bantu Identity in all, and as said as such, said to spread and to many another place in Africa, and via speak in all, and of Bantu Festive life that is. Those though, and who do associate Bantu Philosophy and with Bantu Languages in all, do in all truly, deal with an Africa, more or less Modern/Western in its ways, in that, the so termed spread of Bantu Language and to many another place in Africa, does appear and to speak of (Modern) Educational Initiatives in all truly.

While the very world of the Bantu and as said ascribing and to a Philosophy of the N-tu in all, is actually truly real, the Bantu world, can best be said, and to go along and with speak of attempting to unite all Africans, and alongside speak of a Bantu Philosophy, and that does speak in all, and of Common Law that is. In many a way truly, while the previously stated Bantu Philosophies in all, do in all again go along and with speak of just how the Bantu do view God, or truly in all again, speak of Bantu Ancestor Worship (N-tu and Bantu Languages respectively), speak of Batu Philosophy and as going along and with speak of Common Law, does in all speak and of the very world of Bantu Spirits/spitits [and as with they even said Inactive Agents that is].

In understanding the above better, Bantu Spirits, and as said Inactive and as versus those said Invisible too, is to attempt to give a proper perspective of Bantu History, and as said to speak of Migratory patterns, and Migratory patterns too, and as speaking in all, and of the Bantu, and as said famed Iron Workers for instance. What though, is the true relevance or meaning, and of the Bantu world, and in a Modern African Context? In many a way, it does speak in all perhaps, and of Bantu life, and as said simple and interesting in its ways, and as speaking in all, and of Elechi Amadi's (and not Chinua Achebe either) Concubine that is [and as said in all again, and to present models of living, and as having to do with relationships, and as seen in the Concubine, and as versus those seen in the Western World, and models too, said more interesting in their ways, and as with regards to speak of Adaptation in itself that is].

In having said this, is to present the view, and as versus that and which does speak of the 'races of Mankind' and as separate and from the 'races of Humanity' [and all this too, and as speaking of 'the Germans' for instance, in that, 'the Germans', and as a complicated people in Tongue and speech, are said in all and to somewhat walk, a spiritual path, and as said somewhat similar and to that seen amongst the Bantu that is], is to in all ways even speak of the Bantu, and as fomenting ties between themselves, and which do speak of extraction, and not descent or race truly either [that the Bantu, are a people simply said transforming in their ways, and at this very moment too that is].

To understand all this better, and as in speak of associating Bantu Philosophy, and with Common Law and Bantu Spirits/spirits [and in the hope of minimally and not maximally either, uniting Africa as One], it all then does refer and to just how the Bantu world, does keep Africa in all, very much alive, and as versus speak of the Africa, and of Mankind/Iron workers, and as said in all even, and to possess a Spiritual Wisdom, and that does go along and with speak of the Egypt of the Pyramid Builders, in that, this Knowledge Base / Wisdom, and of 'the 'races of Mankind', is now in many a way, said in all, simply lost or truly hidden that is. As a result, it is believed that, it is the Knowledge of the Bantu, and that does keep Africa alive and in many a way truly, and as versus speak of the 'races of Humanity' in Africa, and as attempting in all, and to reproduce Africa, and as with regards and to speak of Aesthetics that is [that they in all, do attempt to re-invent themselves and in an Aesthetic manner, and in the hope of building fruitful ties, and with many a group, outside Africa that is][Kenyan]. This model though, and of the 'races of Humanity', is said to speak in all, and of Neo-Colonialism, and speak too and of Africa and as said possessing or carrying, Western Discriminatory attitudes, and as with they in all even, said in all, and as incapable, and of supporting in all, African History that is [and speak of African History and as coming to an end, and in speak of the 'races of Humanity' and as seen in Africa too that is][and further speak of Africa Developing, and as said to speak of the Real-Estate Industry for instance].

In having said the above, and in speak of Bantu Wisdom too, is to in all even, reproduce in all, Bantu History, and in a manner understandable to most, and as in attempting to tell many in Africa, just why the Bantu are of importance, and to Africa today that is. That the Bantu, and in Philosophy too, are known to have many a Spiritual Insight, and as with they even said simple in their ways, and that in many a way truly, Bantu Philosophy, and as truly going along and with what many do term Basic Research that is [and if not Intensive Research in itself either].

In all, and in truly attempting to start on all this, is to first present the view that, Bantu Philosophy, and as speaking of Common Law and Bantu Spirits/spirits as Intermediaries, is known in many a way, and to speak of Bantu Marriage Customs, and as said referring in all, and to Inter-marriages that is [or speak even, and Couples, and as said simply Co-Habiting that is].

The first of many a version of Bantu History and as pertaining to Common Law, does speak of the Bantu, and in Cameroon too, and as making their way, and into West Africa in itself, and where in all again, the Bantu and as Iron Workers, are said to simply help in all, and in speak of the very rise, of the Empires/civilizations of Mali for instance, and all this too, and as referring in all again, and to speak of the Songhai/Songhey, and speak in all furtherly, and of Africa in all, and as simply said to speak of the peoples of the Sahel, and as versus those in all again, said somewhat Bantu in their ways that is. The end result of all this, does see Africa now, and from a Scholarly perspective, and as said to speak of North Africa and as said Jewish too, and speak too in all again, and of Egypt, and further speak in all, and of the Sahel, and as now said Islamic, and with the World outside Africa in all, and as pertaining to speak of Spain, said in all Christian that is. In all, Bantu philosophical influence (and as versus speak of Cultural influence either), leading in all, and to a very interesting and if not wild world in all again, and that does go along and with speak of Islamic Spain, but further speak too in all, and of the so said Moorish/Muslim and Saracen forces of Northern Africa, and as said believed in all, and as somewhat influenced by Bantu thought, but in a rather indirect manner too [Timbuktu], said in all, and as truly now Invading Europe that is.

Another of the very many myths of the Bantu, and as said to speak of Bantu History and from the very perspective of Common Law (and the worshiping of Bantu Spirits and as said Inactive Agents too), does speak in all and of the BaLuba and the Kuba Kingdoms of the Congo, and as it is the BaLuba, who do in all carry a myth, and of their migrating, the Bantu that is, and into Southern Africa (and from Cameroon in all), and just where in all again, they do build society/civilization, and that does go along and with speak of Great Zimbabwe, and as said somewhat Bantu truly [and if not 'Hebrew' either that is][and Bantu too, and as speaking of Irungu in all], but that the Bantu and as according to the BaLuba, do in all possess, a way of life, said rather Joyful and enviable (and if not simple too), in that, it does capture the Imagination, and of many a said Western settler that is [and speak truly in all, and of Political Turmoil, and in South Africa and as perceived and from the perspective of the Baluba/Xhosa that is, but speak in all again, and of similar Turmoil and in Namibia, and as having to do, and with the Bantu, and as said to have enviable lifestyles, Psychologically too, and from the said White/Western settler that is, and who in all, is simply said Unhappy in his ways actually]. To speak of the BaLuba in all again, and as said to speak of the Kuba Kingdoms, does speak of philosophical influence (and not Cultural), and into Cuba that is [and as pertaining to speak of Conga Drums too that is].

Speak of Great Zimbabwe though, does speak of the Bantu in all, and as said in all, and to possess Workmanship, and which apparently in all, does influence European/Portuguese groups and as said arriving and on the Swahili Coast, but with the interest that the Portuguese in all, do have of the Bantu, not said to speak and of Accumulated/Acquired Knowledge in all (and as it is often presented), but in all ways even, speak of Acquired/Accumulated Intelligence that is [in that, the Bantu, and as an Intelligent people in all, do speak of their possessing their ability and to think rather differently and from the norm, and when exposed, and to certain methods or ways of thinking that is]. In all again, the Portuguese, and as truly believing in all that, the Bantu in all, can be of help and in their Global Empire ambitions (the Portuguese), and in offering new ways of thinking that is [and in a world and that does view the Portuguese, and as said Christian and not White either that is].

Bantu Identity and as found in many a part of Africa, and as now said truly Political that is, does speak and of the mythic version and of the origins of the Swahili, and as said Bantu too. The very belief that, Bantu Ironworkers, do in all intermarry, and with Arabian traders [and all this and as happening, and before the arrival of the Portuguese/Europeans and on the Swahili Coast too], and Intermarriage too, and that does lead and to stable Communities, and that do in all even go along and with the very rise of Oman for instance, and as said Seafaring traders that is, and that does in all speak of their making it, and into Asia in itself, but further speak too and of said Bantu and Arabian Religious Beliefs, and as going along and with the practise of Magic (and speak too of Water Spirits/spirits), and the worshiping of Fire Spirits and the Djinn too that is [and all as pertaining, and to speak of Acquired/Accumulated Intelligence, and not Acquired/Accumulated Knowledge truly, and further speak of tensions and as said arising and between the Bantu, and the Arabian, and as with the Bantu ascribing and to the former model of Thought presented that is].

The said history of the Swahili-Bantu and the Swahili-Arabian, is said in many a way, and to make it and into the very history of Kenya too, Modern, in that, it first off does speak of Anti-Western Sentiment and in Kenya too, and as said to go along and with speak of the Saba Saba Riots for instance, in that, those said poor, and in Kenya too, are believed in all and to be of the Accumulated/Acquired Intelligence in form, while those said holding power in Kenya (Western Educated too), are said to be of the Accumulated/Acquired Knowledge model, in that, when those said poor are employed and in Kenyan/Western owned Business in all, they do in all again begin to think their very own thoughts, and as with regards to taking over or being Independent minded, and in all, speak even, and of their spreading their now possessed Business acumen, and into Africa in itself, and from an Adaptation model format too that is [and not a Profit-Loss Model format either]. This history of the Swahili Bantu, does in all again merge and with that of the Bantu in Malawi/Zambia (and whom are basically said to worship Water Spirits/spirits), in that, we now do see a division and in Religious terms, and between Nilotic Kenyans and Bantu Kenyans in all [and as with it all even said to speak of Christianity and as said Pentecostal/Missionary, and Protestant too][and with those said Catholic in all, believed said Colonial in mindset and not Western either], but that in all ways even, Nilotic Kenyans and as said heralded by the Kalenjin, seek to take over Political Leadership in Kenya, and from a Business Ownership perspective, and while in all, truly attempting to put to a rest, and to Bantu/GEMA abilities, and in Business Ownership in Kenya that is [and further speak too, and of the very likes of a former Politician and as such as Kenneth Matiba, and the attempt to actually steal his Wealth, and by a Banking Industry, said now infiltrated, and by Nilotic Kenyans too that is]. To speak of the Bantu and in a said surprising manner, in that, what is about to be said here, is not well understood by most, and as said not African too, is to perhaps speak of Elechi Amadi's the Concubine, and as truly referring in all even, and to Ihuoma, and as said the most beautiful of 'creatures'/Woman that is. This in all does speak even, and of the Somali Bantu, and as said an Oppressed people, and by the Cushitic groups of Somalia, in that, they do in all or are said, and to possess a certain Innocence (and as said arising and with the worship of Bantu Water Spirits/spirits), and that does in all appear, and to enrage many a person, who is said simply not one of them that is [that the Somali Bantu, and similar groups in Kenya, and who are in all classified under the Ethnic Cleansings history of Kenya, do in all ways even build stable Communities, and which in all ways even do prosper, and from speak of Human Capital, and as with it all even speaking and of just whom in all, a professional/fashion Model, and as such as Iman too (Somali-Kenyan), truly is, and as she does in all possess an Innocence, and that does speak of the Somali-Bantu, and all this too, and as referring to Cushitic Somalis, and as said and as having only a few amongst them, and as truly capable of succeeding in life that is][but with the Somali Bantu, said to possess Families, and just where in all again, every member of it, is said gainfully employed, but on a small/low-scale manner too that is][and all this too, and as done in an Independent fashion actually].

The history of the Bantu and as said Civil and even Innocent in their ways, does carry into Rwanda and Burundi in itself, and where the said Hardworking Bantu (Hutu), does in all make contact and with said Nilotic (but truly in all again, Sudanic) peoples, the Tutsi, but with it all even said to turn out, and in a disastrous manner, and as the Bantu in all, do form Government more or less succeeding in its ways, while the Sudanic Tutsi (but as said Nilotic in his ways too perhaps), does in all flounder, and as with regards to speak of Government in all, and in the most unexplainable of ways, it does all see Rwanda and Burundi, go to War, and in the attempt to annihilate, the Hutu/Bantu, and not take over that is [and which in all again, does see the Hutu instead, and as killing of the Tutsi that is].

 In all ways though, the above and as said to speak of Bantu Philosophy and as going along and with Common Law, but speak truly even, and of Bantu religion and in the form of the worshiping of Water Spirits (or spirits), and as Inactive Agents in all, meaning that, the Bantu and as said from Malawi/Zambia, are believed to be knowledgeable of Spirits/spirits, and that can truly help one, and if and only if, one does have true or genuine Vision, and of a kind that is [and with the Bantu, often said inspired in Vision, and via speak of Migratory patterns that is].

Finally and in all truly, speak perhaps, and of redefining Bantu Philosophy and as speaking of Common Law, and from the very perspective and of, Congo-Brazzaville that is, and as they in all again, are in all believed, to speak of Invisible Agents, and not Inactive Agents either, and with Invisible Agents, said to speak of finding inspiration in all, and in the most surprising of places that is [and all this too, and as spoken/said and from the very perspective, and of what does pass for Awareness/Ignorance, and in Africa today too that is].

In all, the very world of the Bantu, and as truly coming in all, and to define many a perception and of Africa today, and as speak of terms and such as Western, European, Arab/Egyptian, Christian, Jewish, Islamic, the UN/NGO, Mixed Race /  Bi-racial etc., are said in all and to arise and in a Modern African Context/Setting, and in speak of the Bantu in all, and as said in all even highly Adaptable and if not Crafty, and in succeeding in their ways, but that in all ways even, speak truly in all and of their facing many an alien force in all, spirit based too, and that does speak of the attempt to wipe out Bantu peoples in Africa, and in one way/manner or another, and for no known good reason either that is [and further speak too, and of the very beliefs of Credo Mutwa for instance].