Monday 28 July 2014



In speaking of the Intact, is to in all ways even speak of it all, and as pertaining and to speak of Evolutionary Theory/History, and as with regards in all too even, and to those subscribing, and to Internet styled Media that is [and as with it all even said to refer, and to basic lifestyles, and in Africa too that is]. 

In understanding the above better, is to perhaps speak of Re-Incarnation, and as referring, and to one and as returning to Earth, and in many a way too, said to find life, and as very much said Intact and in one way or another, and as with regards to History in itself that is. That the Intact in all, is a simple way, and of truly explaining, just why in all, we are still truly on this Earth, and in speaking from an Evolutionary perspective, and as with further regards in all, and to the very Belief that, many a said Ancestor in all, is said in all again, and to not be returning to this Earth that is. 

In having said this, is to also introduce the very concept of 'Living souls', and as referring to Mankind and as seen and in Africa too, and speak furtherly in all, and of the so termed 'Lost soul', and as referring and to Humanity in all, and as said found and in Africa too that is. In all, the 'Living soul', and as speaking in all, and of a celebrated in all perhaps, Ancestor, and as said returning to Earth, while the 'Lost soul', does speak of History and as said in all even, not factual, in that, many a said celebrated people, and as with they even said Ethnic Successes and in the Modern World we live in, said in all again, and as having a dark past to them that is.

In all, Africa, and as believed in all too even, the most Celebrated of Continents perhaps, and as the Intact, does go along and with speak of the Pyramids in themselves, and as said to refer and to African Artifacts that is.

Finally, Greek Civilization, and as said more developed and in a Psychic manner, and as compared to speak of Egypt, and in an Overall sense too that is [and with Egyptian society, said Highly Political in all that is], and as the Greeks in all, did very well envision the so termed 'Strange soul' for instance, and as with he/she in all even, said, and to speak of the 'Good Samaritan' for instance.

Strange souls: