Friday 4 July 2014



What in all, does truly represent, change or transformation, and in this very World we live in today that is? That in all, what does truly stand for many a belief, and as with regards to speak in all, and of change or transformation even, and as coming to our lives (and on a daily or everyday basis too), and as with regards to holding many a belief? In many a way, it can be said in all, and as with all this even, referring and to those who do subscribe and to Internet styled Media too, it can be said to speak of Cosmetics (and as including speak of Body Shaping Exercises), but with Cosmetics in all, in many a way even, said not truly African in all actually.

In all, this is just where Traditional practises, and such as Obeah too, do come into play, and as Obeah, and as said even referring and to speak of Magic or Sorcery, does in all again actually speak of Success (and as going along and with the holding of many a belief), does in all actually truly, speak of many a thing perhaps, and as said even, and as not referring and to Cosmetics in all that is [and as including speak of Herbalism too for instance][and as with all the above, said to speak of Worldly, International, Global or National Consciousness too for instance, and as versus speak of Africans, and as simply said Enigmatic that is].

The sounds of Obeah (or surprisingly enough):