Friday 25 July 2014



Most in Africa, have truly heard of Morale, and as something said truly African in all perhaps (and speak too and of those who do in general subscribe and to an African Philosophy that is), and as compared in all again, and to speak of the Psychological Boost for instance, and as found in most and of the rest of the World that is. 

What though is Morale in its simplest sense? It can be said and to speak of simply remaining upbeat, and about life too, and in all ways even, is in many a way and in all again, and from a psychological perspective, often associated and with speak of Development in itself that is. That Morale and in Africa in all, has come to be associated and with speak even and of Cultural and Philosophical Development in all again, and that in all ways even, this is a process in all, and that does take some time too perhaps, and in becoming manifest, and as in furtherly stating that, it is in all the very reason, that Nigeria in all again, is very much said the most Developed and of African Countries (and Culturally too), and from the very perspective and of African Philosophy too, and as Nigerians in all again, have often promoted the Development of Morale, and in their Cultures too, and from speak in all, and of associating Morale, and with speak too of Allusions that is [and further speak even, and of the false belief that Nigerians in all, are simply said a noisy bunch that is].

In all again, just how many an African culture does seek to develop Morale, speaking in all even, and of dealing with many a Gender relations problem for instance, and in an Africa today, and that does believe in all that, Development, does go very much go along, and with speak of inputs (and at all levels of society too) [and as perhaps in all again, and as promoted by the UN], and from the Female Gender at the very least too that is.