Monday 28 July 2014

Rite vs. Ritual

Rite vs. Ritual.

This entry in many a way, does have to do, and with just how those in Africa, do in all seek to construct their societies that is. That this in all again, does speak of Africa and as divided and and as said Above the Equator, and Below the Equator too. That for those Above the Equator, life and as strongly said lived around Ritual in all, while those said Below the Equator in all (and minus speak of South Africa and outside Zulu life in all truly), life and as said lived around Rite too [and further speak in all even, and of Western lifestyles that is].

To understand this entry better, is to perhaps speak in all again, and of Africa, and as said in all and as not having Civil existences to it, and unless they are said Western that is. That in all, life in the Modern/Western Times, and as said to speak of Civility and as going along and with Self-Esteem too, does lie in all, and in truly learning perhaps, just how to like or love oneself that is [and as with regards and in all again, and to speak of personal conquests, and not success truly either]. 

In understand the above, is to present the view in all that, Africa, and as said Above the Equator, is said famed in all, and as compared to speak of Africa, and as said Below the Equator too in all, in that, the Rituals/Ritualized life of Africa and as said Above the Equator, do in all match those said Western, while those living Below the Equator, and as living lives and as having specifically to do, and with Rite, do find themselves in all, isolated, and from the Modern/Western Times, and as life and as lived around Rite in all, can be said and in all again, and to speak of the Bastille in itself that is [and Revolutionary France too in all].

In all though, what is it, we are specifically trying to get to? It does in all speak and of just how best to basically Model African societies that is. That Modeling and of African societies, can be said a simple process (and as with it all even going along and with a Work-shop too), in that, Knowledge and as perceived and from the Workshop, does speak in all even, and of the Ideal, or speak truly and in all again, and of the Standard that is [and as speaking of Rite and Ritual too in all]. That to make all this clearer, is to associate the rise of Civilization in Africa, and with speak of Iron, and also speak of Agriculture in itself too that is. That Iron, arrives into Egypt, and via Africa (and not Nubia either), and in an Egypt, Nomad/Agrarian in its ways and in Rituals too, and speak in all, and of the fomenting of society in Egypt, and as said to speak of Iron and Rite (but with Iron, capable of going along and with speak of Ritual too), but that in all ways even, Egypt, and as said Iron, does see to it, the very rise of a Pharaonic class, and that does have to it the very term 'Hotep', and as going along in all, and with it all that is,  and in many a way, does see Egypt now stratified in society, and as said in all Ritual/Agrarian, and Iron'Rite too that is. Iron Egypt, and as finding the Greeks now involved in Egyptian History, and from a Knowledge Exchange perspective, and in many a way too, speak truly even and of Egyptian society, and as said truly stratified in all, Racially too, and as with regards to speak and of just whom in all, the Greeks in Egypt, truly are that is.

What though, does the above have to do with anything? In all perhaps, is to expose the greatest secret of all, and as having to do, and with speak of Western 'Civilization' that is. That succeeding in the Western/Modern Times, does not truly have to do and with intelligence or Intellect, and as going along and with Analytical Thought too, but that in all ways even, it does have to do and with speak and of just whom/who in all, we are, and when it does in all, come to speak of Preparations, Adjustments, Concocting, Conforming, Complying, Remodeling, Tailoring etc., and which in all is said to speak and of just whom or who in all, we truly are, and before we do think of succeeding that is.

In all, and in speaking and of the Work-shop, those and as living life and as going along and with speak of Ritual in all (and Africa and as said Above the Equator too), does in all speak of the above (Preparations, Adjustment etc.), and as going along and with the attempt and in defining a Standard, and as having to do, and with the creating in all and of society [and as with the Work-shop here in all, acquainted and with the University too], and that does speak in all even, and of the accumulating of Knowledge, and via many a Research/Study Project too, and that does in all even go along and with the very Politics of Information/Knowledge Exchange, and speak in all even, and of Copyright Laws, and the History too, and of stealing Knowledge/Materials, and from other peoples in all that is [and in the attempt and in building a whole new society actually][and from the very perspective and of Leadership too]. To speak of Rite [and as versus Rites, and with Rite in all again, said to speak of God and in himself/herself too], does in all ways even go along and with speak of a Work-shop, and as attempting to produce the best in Iron (and as an Ideal too), and via speak in all even, and of Rite, and as going along in all, and with speak of Preparations, Adjustments etc., and in the bid, and of fomenting the most enviable (and not best either), and of societies that is [Rite vs. Ritual].

In all, Rite and society and in Africa, and as going along and with speak of the 'races of Mankind' [and Africa and as said Below the Equator], and further speak too, and of the 'races of Humanity' [and Africa, and as said Above the Equator that is] [and with South Africa in all, very much in all, and of the 'races of Humanity', and with the exception and in all again, and of the Zulu that is].

In all though, Africa and as said to speak of Ritual (and Expansion too), speaking in all perhaps, and of the History and of the Hittites that is [Link], while Africa, and as going along and with speak of Rite (and Expansion in all), not only speaking and of the Manikongo for instance [Link], but in many a way truly, speak even and of the Celt that is [and as found in Scotland, and not the Scandinavia truly either][and with he said, and to be truly Scandinavian and in Ritual too].

In all again, the 'races of Mankind', and as truly presented in Language, and by speak of English and French for instance (and in its purest/Ideal form), while the 'races of Humanity', do in all go along and with speak of Language in all, and as said Spanish and Arabic too for instance [and in its purest/standardized form that is].