Tuesday 22 July 2014

Geo-Political Africa

Geo-Political Africa.

What in all, does constitute, and for speak, and of Geo-Political Africa? In many a way, it does basically speak of representing Africa, and in speak of Egypt, North Africa, South Africa and the rest of Africa too that is. In all, speak too in all, and of Egypt and as said isolated and from the rest of Africa [and pretty much in all, and as very much said due in all, and to its History and as pertaining to speak of Heritage that is].

In all again, Geo-Political Africa, and as often said in all, Racialized, in that, it does in all attempt to associate North Africa and South Africa, and with white skinned and Straight Haired peoples in all, and with Minorities in all again, simply said to have Curled Hair to themselves that is. For the rest of Africa, Racialization, and as going along and with speak of African Heritages, African Blood, and further speak too, and of African Hair that is.

In all, speak even, and of North Africa and as attempting to foment Cultural ties and with Spain/Europe, and South Africa too, and as having relations in all, and in Blood too, and with Australia that is.

In all again, Nigeria and as said a Troubled country in all, and as with regards and to speak of Lopsided Development [and as associated and with speak of Oil in Nigeria too], while the rest of Africa is simply touted and as being Restless [and by the World Press, and such as Reuters for instance], and Restless too, in that, they are all said to be all awaiting change, and from a Geo-Political Mindset too that is [and as said here in all again, and to speak of South Africa in particular that is]. In all again, Kenya and as said Lagging in Progress (and as including speak of AIDS for instance), but furtherly in all again, speak of Kenya and from Constitutional directions in all (and as including speak of Donor Aid that is), and as with Geo-Political Africa in all, and as said even unique in its ways too, now in all again, truly even associated and with speak of Nairobi that is (and as said Developing in its ways in all), but in all again, speak even and of COMESA in all, and as associating Kenya and with Egypt and South Africa too that is [and with Kenya in all again, and Geo-Politically too in all, simply said South African and Egyptian too that is].

Geo-Political Kenya: