Thursday 28 August 2014

African Heritages

African Heritages.

This entry in all, will attempt to deal and with just what does constitute and for African Heritages, and in these Present Times we live in that is. That African Heritages in all, are simply said to speak of the Egun in all (or Ancestors too), or truly in all again, speak of many an Egungun Festival that is. While such African Heritages are simply said very real, one does in all ways even realize that, the Modern Times in all, have brought with them, changing attitudes in all, and in speak and of redefining the African Family, and a way from speak of the Egun, or even the Egungun in many a way truly that is [Link].

African Heritages in many a way, do not simply have to be said African, and as with regards to speak of Location that is. That in all, African Heritages can very well take the form of a Magazine for instance (Link), or truly in all perhaps, speak of their going along, and with the culture, and of many another place outside Africa, and as in speak even, and of what does constitute and for an African Institute, and in France too for instance. In all, Africans in many a way, never truly thinking of themselves as such (and as versus speak of Asians too that is), in that, the only known view of Africans in all, and in such a said Capacity that is, does speak even, and of the said 'Male Revolt', and in speak of Brazilian Colonial/Post-Slavery society too that is [Link].

In thinking though and of African Heritages in all, and as with they even said Localized, Regional or National too, is to in many a way speak here, and of just how best to go about, thinking of it all, and from an Institutional perspective too that is. That many an African, and as simply said tired of Africa in itself (and speak here too perhaps, and of Modern African Communications in themselves too), perhaps now in all, and as possessing many an Idea, and by which to simply learn how to improve themselves, and in a manner and that does speak specifically of Heritages too, and as said in all going along and with speak of African Institutes, and further speak too, and of Success (or Achievement, Accomplishment or Attainment in itself) and as defined and in speak of Cultural Experiences/wealth that is [and speak here too, and of the English peoples of England, and as said well knowledgeable in this, and in speak too and of English History, and as going along and with speak of the Crusades that is], and as Cultural wealth in all, does speak in all again, and of just whom or who in all we are, and with Motivation too for instance [Link].

In thinking of African Identity and in the above, is to in all ways even first off, present it, and from a manner and that does speak of Prestige and Royalty too that is. In all, this does speak and of defining African Heritages, and in a manner and that does speak even and of the work posted above 'Islam and the Prayer Economy' that is. In all, a manner and of defining African Heritages that is [but speak too of it all, and as speaking of Africa and as said outside South Africa, Kenya/'The Horn of Africa', and even Egypt too][Link] [and with South Africa in all again, and as said defining National Heritages for instance, and in speak of the Reunion, and as said British too that is][Link1, Link2].

In all, African Heritages and in speak of Prestige/Royalty, and as defined and as going along in all, and with speak of possessing Knowledge in itself, and in the following manner:

1. Social Theory (Link)
2. Anthropology.
3. History.

4. Symbol

And with the first three aforementioned above and in numbering too, taking a triangular formation, and that does speak of Symbol, and as said existing in the middle that is.

However though, Africa today and in speak of Heritage, and as said away in all, and from speak of the Egun and Egungun too, does speak of it all, and as perceived, and from Western/Modern Timelines in many a way that is.

The first of these, does speak in all, and of African Social Identity in many a way, and as going along in all, and with speak of the African 'Prayer House' that is [and speak in all again, and of just where African Social Identity, does meet Egyptian History too that is]. In all, it does speak and of African Heritages, and as with they even said Religious too, and in speak too and of a Private Membership Club for instance [Link].

The second of these, does speak of 'Social Clubs' in all, and as said going along, and with those possessing Social Identities too, and as said Western that is, and as they do in all, go along, and with speak of African Social identity, and as perceived in all even, and from speak and of the Global Village that is. In many a way too, a group of peoples in all, and as said in all again, not truly loyal and to Africa itself, and in speak of their defining Heritage for instance, and faraway off, and from the African Arts too that is [Link1, Link2] [and speak too, and of an Africa and as defined and in speak primarily, and of many a Social or Political contact or connection too that is]. In all again, speak of the Western in Africa, and as said truly associated, and with speak of Nubian Civilization too actually.

The third of these, does speak in all, and of what one could term 'Social Gatherings', and as with they even said Familial in their ways, in that, they do speak in all perhaps, and of African Social Identity and as perceived in all even, and form speak too and of Colonialism and Apartheid in South Africa too (and further speak here and of the term Kaffir, and as said Social and not Political truly either), but that in all ways even perhaps, speak of African Heritages and Social Identity too, and as going along and with speak of Success (or Attainment, Achievement or Accomplishment in all), and as attached in many a way, and to speak and of a Western Education, and that does in all even, speak of Africa's said booming Real Estate Industry for instance [Link].

The fourth of these, does simply speak and of defining African Heritages, and in speak truly, and of what does constitute and for African Ceremonial Dress, and as with it in all even perhaps, going along and with speak and of the Kenyan Fashion Industry that is [and surprisingly too, speak even and of the Kenyan Government, and as perhaps said disillusioned in their ways, and in their now in all, defining Development Agendas for Kenya, and as going along only, and with speak of Heritage and in the form of Ceremonial Dress too that is][Link1, Link2].

''The Spanish African Arts Council'' :