Saturday 30 August 2014

Child Psychology

Child Psychology.

This entry in many a way, very much in all, has to do, and with Nigeria for instance, and as said Africa's 'most populous country' that is [and not Country either].

That in all, most in Africa, are not well and in understanding, many of Africa's problems, and as perceived in all even, and from speak of Media that is [and as with it all even said Homegrown too]. To understand all this better, is to perhaps speak and of what Internet styled Media, does truly represent, or stand for, and in African society that is. That Africans, are not well understanding (and in Perception too perhaps), and of what does constitute and for Africa's Social problems in all for instance, and as with they in all even, perceived, and from speak and of many a said Historical Timeline, and as having to do in all even, and with speak of Colonialism or Slavery too that is.

That in all, life and outside Africa too in all, is primarily in all again (and in speak too and of many a City said not African in all), lived and in speak of Tests, Trials & Tribulations too. while African life on the otherhand, does differ, and as life in Africa, is lived, and in speak primarily and of Turmoil in itself too that is.

In having said this, is to now present Africans, and from the very perspective of Child Psychology, and which does speak of Africans, and as perceived by many a person not said African too, and in speak of Turmoil that is [and as with it all even referring, and to what some do term Spiritual Sickness in all]. That Turmoil in all, does not only truly define African Child Psychology, but in all ways even, does go along, and with speak of African Internet styled Media in itself too that is.

In all, while many a person outside Africa, is said to live a life, and with Tests, Trials & Tribulations said well defined in all [and in speak too perhaps, and of a National Myth for instance], in Africa, life is lived out, and in speak of Turmoil in itself [and whether it be religious, spiritual, social, political etc.]. 

In having said this, is to then speak of the known fact that, Africans are truly known and to identify, and with their Child Self's in all, and such that, this part of our very Being, is known to steadily influence just whom or who in all we are, and as with regards and to any Perceptions made of life that is. As such, African life now, and as said Akan, Yoruba, Igbo or Ki-Kongo, and as believed differing in its ways, might be said similar in all, and in speak of Child Psychology, and speak too, and of Media in all, and as associated, and with our Child Self's too that is. 

In many a way, what we are trying to get to here, is that, life is basically believed, and to speak of Progress or Development too, and as perceived in all even, and as going along, and with the Developing and of Maturity in itself too that is. While this is said to be true and on the average, going through life in Africa in all though, does still in all, speak of Maturity, and as going along and with speak of our Child Self's, and as said perpetually in Turmoil too that is [that for Africans in all perhaps, Turmoil faced and as going along with our lives, does have in all even to do, and with our never truly understanding our Child Self's in all perhaps, and in speak too of African Identity, historical in all, and as said going truly along, and with speak of Child Development and Child Psychology too that is][and the further belief here, and of just why many an African society, is said believed traditionally grounded in all, and in speak of Folklore too that is].

In all ways though, Child Psychology and in Africa, troublesome to most, and as it does in all even speak of Internet (styled) Media, and as going along and with speak of Turmoil too, but that in all ways even, the very belief here that, for the average African in all, and to be of a Healthy or sound mind too perhaps, speaks in all again, and of going through life and alongside speak in all again, and of a Media Diet in all (Link), and as pertaining to speak of Internet styled Media in particular, and that does speak even and of our Child Self's, and that in all again, the troubling view in all that, it is in all though, those who do primarily live their lives and on speak truly of Internet Media in itself, and who do in all ways even are believed and to be at the very center, and of many a (Political) Turmoil, and to be seen in Africa today too in all. In all again, the very belief here that, African lives and as lived out and in speak of Child Psychology and Turmoil in itself, speaking of Maturity in itself too, and as said referring and to such Turmoil, and as perpetual/repetitive in many a way, and as with it in all even referring and to the Internet Media we do subscribe too actually, but speak too and of the African in all, and in his or her most base self in all again, and as speaking in all again, and of what Internet (styled) Media in all, we do automatically subscribe too that is.

African Child Psychology: