Saturday 16 August 2014

African Security Protocols

African Security Protocols.

What in all, does constitute, and for African Security Protocols? It in many a way, does speak for instance, and of those said/classified African, and as versus those said not African in all [and in speak here too, and of the UN for instance]. That the UN in all, will simply classify those living in Africa, and as simply said African too, when in reality, African Identity, has traditionally in many a way, gone along, and with speak of African Security Protocols in all, and as embodied perhaps, and in speak of African Folklore that is.

In having stated the above, is to speak of African Identity, and as said truly African that is, and as basically going along, and with speak and of just how Africans do define Food Security that is. In many a way, speak of Africa and as such, does speak in all, and of those said Tropical African in all, and as truly African, while many another group in Africa, is said in all, and to simply perhaps, suffer in one way or another, and when it does come to speak of Food Security that is, but further speak here too in all, and of Africa, and as now said in all, Anglo/Franco/Luso-phone, and as referring in all again, and to those not said in all, and to be a part in all, and of Tropical Africa that is. In all, all this too, and as speaking of Tropical Africa, and as referring, and those said and as having a Physical Look, and that is truly African that is.

What of speak of Religious Spaces? African Identity and as going along and with Security Protocols and that do speak of Religious Spaces, does in all ways even, refer, and to Africa, and as simply called 'Black Africa' that is [and further speak too in all, and of the very fact that, many Sources out there, and on Africa too, don't often talk too much, and of Brown skinned Africans for instance].

You do also have African Identity, and as said speaking of the Transport Industry, and as said helping truly define Modern African Identities, and as going along with Modern African Security Protocols, and Identity creation too, and that does speak of Cities, Towns, Villages etc. [and further speak here too, and of Africa in many a way, and as simply said Equatorial that is].

In having said this, is to in many a way too, refer, and to what does stand for or constitute and for African Identity, and as with regards to speak of Security Protocols in themselves.

That Africa, is first believed settled and by many a person, and who does in all ways even, view Security in itself, and in speak of the Hazardous, the Risky, and the Dangerous too that is. In many a way, those who do complain of Africa, and from the above perspective, not said truly African in all, and as African life, is simply said to speak and of those and as said having a Physical Body in all for instance, and that does speak of Adventure too that is.

It is here though, that we now divert some attention in all, and in speak of Egypt too that is. That Egyptian Civilization, does not arise in all, and in speak of Security Protocols, and that do go along and with speak of the Hazardous, the Risky and the Dangerous too, but that in all ways even, speak of the three fore-mentioned in all perhaps, and as going along in all, and with speak of Presences that is [that from its onset, Egypt in all, and as said KMT too, does in all find itself mired, and in speak of building society, and as going along and with speak of (evil) Presences that is]. Egyptian Civilization though, and as with regards to Security Protocols, does in all ways even, rise, and to the very levels of Para-Psychology in itself that is [and further speak here in all, and of Magic too actually]. 

In all though, defining African Identity today, and as going along and with speak of Security Protocols, can be said and to speak of Traditionalist African life, and as not well understood perhaps, and from a Security perspective, in that, it does speak of Africans complicatedly enough, and from the very perspective and of Impotence too, and as having to do, and with Communications that is [and speak here in all for instance, and of the Legend/Myth and of Mansa Musa too that is][and further speak here too, and of the very belief that, Security Protocols and as defined just above, did in all ways even, lead to the very world of African slavery that is].

In all again, all the above, and as truly speaking in all, and of what many outside Africa, do in all believe and to stand for or represent in all again, and for African Identity, and the very false belief that, Western Security Protocols and as having to do with the above, are said best for Africa, when in reality, they do in all speak of an Africa, and as said in all even, truly diverse in its ways, but more or less truly Discriminatory, and in Attitude too that is [and with Africans in Attitude, simply said in all again, and to speak of Myth, Folklore or even African Religion too, but with the Bible in all again, and as said translated perhaps, and into many an African Language, said to be of interest here in all that is].