Friday 22 August 2014



Stigma, and as going along and with speak of Africans, and as said the most Humane of us all, and as it does speak even, and of one in all, and as said Unforgiveable, and by everyone and as including God too that is [but with Stigma too, not said Egyptian in all, and as they in all again, do concentrate, and on defining the Sacred that is].

In all, Stigma, and as going very much along in all, and with speak of African Law in itself, and such that, African Law does in all pretend to attempt, and to in all perhaps, truly define or understand just what Stigma truly is, and in speak of the Humane that is [and as unlike speak of Italian Law for instance, and of the Church too, and which does pretend to or attempt in all, and to fully understand, the Mind of God that is].

In speaking of African Law and as such, is to in all ways even, speak and of just how, African Religious/Cultural practises, have made their way, over the Atlantic, and into 'the United States of America' in itself that is. That the term in all 'the United States of America', does speak of it all, and as going along, and with many a Practise or Law too, and that does speak even and of African Religious/Cultural practises, in that, it does in all refer, and to speak and of just what the Rights in all, and of many a said 'Freed Black' for instance, do truly speak of, and as compared in all again, and to terms and such as 'the United Sates' or 'America' too, and which do speak of Practises and Law and in 'the United States of America' that is, and from an African perspective too, and that do in all refer, and to speak in all again, and of what is said Authentic or Genuine too, and respectively in all that is [that African culture in 'the United States of America', and if not the Americas in themselves, and as coming in all again and to define or distort, what does stand for the Authentic or the Genuine too that is].

In speaking in all fully and of the above, is to then in many a way, speak and of just how in all, African Religious/Cultural practises, and as making their way and across the Atlantic too, do in all lead and to a culture of Stigmatization in itself, and as now in all, coming to very much question American Religious/Cultural practises and law too that is [and with American Law too, said in all again, and to go along, and with speak and of Shame in itself that is].

In many a way, Stigmatization, does speak in all even, and of what they do in all call, a 'Kangaroo Court' for instance, and as said African too, and as very much making its way, and into American Media in itself that is [and as said somewhat African in Expression too][and alongside speak even, and of the Ku Klux Klan for instance].

In all, what exactly is Stigmatization? That it in all, is said in all even, and as speaking or referring and to the very said Presence of God in himself, and that it does in all even, go along in all, and not with speak of the proven fact in all, but in many a way truly, and of what some could in many a way even, simply call a (Court) Hearing that is [or speak truly and in all ways even, and of what can be said, not provable that is].

Jigga, Man.

When Grandmaster Flash was said to have released the very first known Rap Album in all, he did not in many a way perhaps, truly realize or know, just how in all, he would come help make Stigmatization, a part of everyday American realities that is. For in many a way, this is simply what, Rap Music, is truly all about. To in many a way though, attempt to put all this into a better perspective, is to in many a way too, speak of America's Crime problem, and as going along and with speak of Shaming in itself, and as something in all believed by many, and to speak in all, and of limiting one in impulse, and when it does come to committing Crime for instance [that in many another part of the World, on shaming someone, they in all become inhibited in many a way, but in America, speak too in all, and of one and as now said Criminal minded that is]. That Stigmatization, or speak too and of Deep Shame, does in all ways even, lead and to what some do in all term for instance, Black-on-Black Crime, and in the United States of America too that is [and as with it in all even, speaking of America's (Teenage) Gang problem for instance]. In all, Shaming, and in America too, and as leading one to seek out, the perfect Relationship/relations in all, and as with it in all even perhaps, very much speaking of American Law, and as said truly represented in all perhaps, and by speak of Colonial America too, in that, it does speak in all, and not of Civil Liberties for instance (and speak too and of 'the Statue of Liberty' in all), but that in all ways even, it does speak of Protecting Citizen Rights (and further speak too, and of the 'Shores of America' that is) [that in all 'the Shores of America' do speak in all, and of the rise of America, and as a place in all even said, to have the most perfect of Relations/Relationships, and that former President George Bush Jnr in all, and alongside speak of former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice too, does in all ways even go along in all, and with speak of 'the Shores of America', and from the very perspective of protecting 'America's Borders' in all, and from an Inter-State perspective, and not one said National truly either].

In all, Stigmatization, and as going along in all, and with speak of Shaming, and American Law too, now in many a way, coming to define American Religion, and in basic speak here, and of spirit possession, and as with it basically said African and Native American too, but that interestingly enough, the use of spirit possession and in American Religion, does speak of it all, and as truly going along in all and with learning just how to express oneself, and in speak of Ridicule too that is [that American religion in itself, is grounded in all, and in helping truly define, just what Ridicule and in American society, truly does represent, stand for, or in many a way too, symbolize that is].