Sunday 10 August 2014



Shared Memories.

Those living in Africa, and as following Internet styled Media too, do in all tend to have, a huge problem in all, and as with regards and to creating Identity, and as going along and with Shared Memories that is. That when one in all, does engage and in Internet styled Media, one then does find that life in all, is heavily defined, and by speak and of Shared Memories too that is.

In helping those in Africa and as in many a way truly, engaging in Internet styled Media, is to in all ways even, speak of the very fact that, African life, can be said fragile, and in speak of Taint too, and as going along in all, and with Shared Memories too that is [or basic speak here, and of rubbish/garbage, and as lying around everywhere/anywhere and in all truly]. 

In all, when those in Africa, do often think of Shared Memories, it in many a way in all, does often merge and in speak and of the very world of Bantu mythology, in that, it does in all go along and with speak of small-business ownership, but in many a way truly, speak of building Cultural Identity, and that does go along and with Business Ownership, and as with it even said now, and to spread, and into many a distant land that is.

However though, those on the Internet in Africa, and as truly knowing perhaps, their lives in all, and to be truly defined and by speak of Shared Memories, are in many a way it is believed, frought, and with the desire to understand life in all, and as going along and with Shared Memories, in that, for them, life is basically understood, and in speak of Amenities (and as with they said National too), and speak too in all, and of referring to London, and as said having an Efficient Public Transport, Well-mannered Patrons and at an Entertainment Facility for instance, 24/7 Service, Public Washrooms (and not Public Toilets either), a Movie District (and the creating/fomenting of Gender Identity in all), efficient Policing/Security Services, or speak too in all perhaps, and of a said University for instance, and in Africa, but truly in all believed outside it, and that does have excellent Library services (and in Equipment too), a well designed Restroom, proper Eateries, well funded Bursary/Award Schemes in all etc., and such that, life in all, is said to go along, and with speak of one and as showing up, and in a forum and such as too. and in the hope, and of finding/discovering and in one self too, a sound Philosophy of life, and that does have in all, the best of Shared Memories, and as attached to it all that is.

In all, the above, Shared Memories, does speak in all again, and of just how the Internet in Africa, is believed to develop in all, and in speak of Competitive Edge/Strategy too, and such that, one can speak of the Internet in Nigeria, Kenya, Namibia or even Mauritania too, and as said distinct in its ways that is. In all, PDS (Publishing Distribution Services), and as said a Subscription Service, helping one in all, seek to understand, what Shared Memories, truly are all about that is [and for those in all, and as engaging in Internet styled Media in Africa too, and as truly known, and to truly desire, and to live life out in all, and in a said place outside Africa and in many a way too that is].