Monday 25 August 2014

Internet Communications (3)

Internet Communications (3).

The Griot & the Pundit:

This post and in many a way, will attempt to introduce in all, Internet Communications, and as with they in all even said, to speak and of a Success Profile in itself that is. That in all, it does refer and to speak and of Internet Communications, and as said tailored in all, and for a certain Audience for instance, or in many a way truly, said tailored, and in speak and of a known successful Business Outfit that is.

In many a way, this posting in itself, does attempt in all, and to truly define Human existences, and in speak of Pride in itself that is. That Human existences in all, can be said to exist in many a fashion or way, and with one of the most known, and as speaking of Civilized existences, speaking of Humans, and from the very perspective of Gratification that is [Link]. While Pride in many a way, can be said and to speak and of Competitive Strategy & Edge, there are those though, who do associate Human existences in all, their rise and fall, and with speak of what one could term a Display or a Show too, in that, such displays or shows, are in many a way said, to simply faze another, and as with they now in all, simply said conquered, and by the minute too that is [and speak in all ways even, and of Television Media too for instance].

This posting though, does have to do, and with Internet Media, and as said truly going along and with speak of Pride, and as with it all even said as such, and in speak of variety too that is [and not choice or option truly either]. That Internet Media in all, should not be truly associated, and with Television Media that is.

In speaking of Pride though, is to in all ways even present differing views of Pride, and as said African, and that in all ways even, said not African that is [but falsely so too in all]. That Pride and as said something African, does truly speak and of just whom or who in all, Africans are, and with speak of Taboo too that is [that those societies and that do in all ways even truly define themselves and in speak of Taboo, are in many a way actually 'African' that is]. There is however another manner or way and of defining Pride in itself, and that does speak of Racial Identities, and as said Institutional too that is [and something and that does speak of History in all, and as said not African/Egyptian truly either].

In speaking of Africa and Pride, and in the very form of Taboo, is to in all ways even, speak of the Griot that is. To speak of Africa though, and from the very perspective of Racial Identities and the Institutional, and as going along and with speak of Pride, is to in many a way even, speak of African Institutions, and as truly said only Local or Regional that is, and as African Racial Identities, are known and said in many a way, truly actually Localized in their ways that is [and speak for example, and of what some do term Extraction in all]. In all again, Africa and as mentioned in the latter, speaking of the Pundit in all, and not the Scholar truly either.

In many a way too though, this entry in all, will not deal and with speak of the Pundit that is [and with he or she in all even, known to head or lead, an Independent Research Center and of a kind for instance]. In all though, it will actually only focus on the Griot, and as with attempting to tell many an African in all, just whom they are and with the rest of the World, and in speak of Taboo too (and further speak here in all, and of the Individual/Personal endeavour), and as going along in all, and with speak of basic or base Human existences and in Africa, and as defined and from speak and of Taboo in itself that is [that the African in all, is simply said 'walking Taboo' in all actually]. In many a way, the World out there (and outside Africa too that is, and as including speak of the Swahili people in all), and as primarily even said defined in all, and in speak of Taboo, and that could very well go along in all, and with the said belief in all that (and by Joseph Campbell too for instance), that all Myth in the World, is said to have a single source of origin, and as said African/Egyptian too that is [and with lots of Myth in all, simply dealing with Taboo]. However though, while many are falsely made to believe that, many a Civilization, and as said outside Africa too, did arise and with speak of Taboo in itself, the truth in many a way though, does appear and to speak of Institutional Identity, and as said Racial/Ethnic too that is.

To speak of Africa and the United Sates of America in all, and from the very perspective of Taboo, is to in many a way in all, define American Identity, and as going along and with speak of Taboo, and in the form of the Jocular, Bod. (Sensitivity) [Link], and finally in all again, Acumen in itself that is [that Slavery and as said African in all, and in the United States of America too, can be said to speak of differing experiences in all, and as with regards to Taboo, and as just defined above that is][Link].

However though, and before we do in all proceed and in speaking of many another place or Continent in all, and in speak of Taboo too, is to in all ways even hereby associate, Social/Racial/Civil strife and in Africa, and in speak of Taboo, and not Institutions either that is [that lots of African wars, and as often downplayed by many a person and in speak of Africans and as savages, does in all speak and of their not knowing Africans, and from the very perspective of Taboo, and as said evolutionary too, and as versus speak of African Institutions that is].

In all, Africa, and as said not Swahili either, does speak of Taboo, and from four known perspectives: Possessive states, Classification systems, race theories, and finally in all again, Community/Religious Bonds/Affiliations that is. That speaking and of Africa as such, does in all ways even exclude the Swahili in all, and as their defining of Taboo in all again, and from the above four mentioned parameters that is, does in all ways even speak of African Art/Music (and as said defining the name Africa in itself), Western ideologies, Afrocentric thought and even Congolese culture too that is [that in all, the Swahili, do define Taboo and in manners and as just mentioned above, but that in all ways even, they are in many a way not said truly an African people, and from speak of the above that is][but with they too, known to have an unique Swahili Identity, and that does speak in all, and of the Swahili lands in themselves][and as with they too though, believed in all again, and in spreading many a Social Ill, and of the Taboo/Pride variety, and into Africa in itself that is].

In speaking of African Taboo, and in speak of Possessive states, is to in many a way too, speak of Africa and as said Egyptian, Northern Africa, Western/Central Africa, Eastern Africa, and Southern Africa too that is [and further speak here in all, and of African Religion, and as basically said to speak of the Possessed, and as going along too, and with the African Sun for instance, or truly in many a way and in speak of Ethnography in itself that is][and further speak here too, and of varying standards/ideals of beauty that is]. To speak of Classification systems, does in many a way too, speak of Africa and as going along and with speak of the Bantu people in many a way, and as with they in all even, espousing a way of life or Religion, and that is said inclusive of all that is [and further speak too, and of those who don't care to know much, and of the Bantu either that is]. To speak of race theories and Africa, is to speak of it all, and as grounded truly, and in speak of Egypt in all, and as the Egyptians and Historically too, have always defined themselves and in speak of Taboo, and as speaking of one and as said purely Egyptian in race, and as with they in all again, only accommodating in many a way, Greek existences that is [and further speak here, and of race in itself, and as truly associated, and with Religion/Religious practises that is][and speak in all again, and of the Congo, and as somewhat said unique, and from the rest of Africa that is]. Finally, speak of Community/Religious Bonds/Affiliations, does speak in all, and of the very rise of (Popular) Society in Africa, and as with it in all even, said to speak and of the presence of Christianity in Africa, and further speak of Taboo, and as said primarily even, Social that is.

Having said this, is to now proceed in all again, and in speak of Taboo, and in many another part of the World that is. That when it in all, does come and to speak of Europe for instance, Taboo in all, and as said ingrained and in speak of Religion/Gnosis, and as going along and with speak of Fairy Tales for instance, but that speak of Taboo in African Religion and as said believed inferior to that said European, does in all ways even have, all roads in all and as is often said that is, and as leading to San Domingo and the Haitian Revolution too that is.

In speaking of Africa and South America in all, and as with regards and to speak of Pride and Taboo, is to speak of condescending attitudes and from South Americans, and as with regards in all too even, and to speak of so said African Inferiority, and when it does come and to speak of Materials that is [that Africa in all, is simply said to have no History of Clothing or Shoeware for instance, and until the 'White Man' does arrive, and on the Continent too that is]. In all, a manner and of perceiving Taboo, and that does go along in all, and with perceiving African society, and not falsely truly either, and from the very perspective of Guns, Germs and Steel that is [Link][and a view in all, and that does speak even, and of the History of Kenya and South Africa too, but with the "White Man' in South Africa, said very much British, and with he in Kenya, said in all and as practising Christianity that is].

In speaking of Africa and Central Asia in all, and as with regards and to speak of Pride and Taboo too, is to in many a way too, speak of many a racist attitude in all, and towards Africans, but that surprisingly enough, Africans and those in Central Asia, do in all share a common Identity, and that does in all even, speak of Voice, Vocals and even Vivacity too [and further speak in all again, and of Taboo and as arising from the three formentioned, surprisingly enough going along and with speak of Social Animosity in all, and as said arising even, and with speak of 'Cool' and Historical perceptions that is][that the History of Central Asia, is not what it appears to be, and alongside speak even and of Macedon Greek Civilization, and as it does appear in all, and to have Political life, arise in all again, and with speak of 'Cool' too that is].

In speaking of Africa and the Middle East, Taboo and Pride, and as said defined in all, and in speak of Time too, and as going along and with speak of Calendars that is [and further speak and of Fasting and in the Islamic world, or speak too and of an Elite School Graduation for instance, and further speak and of the Middle East and as said dominating Africa in all, going along, and with speak of Calendars that is].

In speaking of Africa and Asia, speak of Taboo and Pride, and as going along and with notions of Gender in all, and further speak too, and of Mens and Womens Dress/Garments for instance, Men and Womens Roles/Humour, Men and Womens Work, Men and Womens speech etc. but further speak here and in all though, and of Africa today, and as basically defining Taboo, and in an Asian manner that is.

In all though, and as in concluding all this, speak here and of Pride and Taboo, and as going along and with speak of African Ritual/Ceremony/Ritualized life, and as in many a way too, defining African cities, and further speak too, and of everyday general perceptions and of Africans, and as 'made' by Media too that is (International too), and that does speak in all, and of Africa and as said backward, and of African Ritual too, and as now said revised or updated in all, and in speak and of countering, such perceptions that is.

Re-Inventing African Ritual: