Thursday 28 August 2014



Esu & the City of Light:

This entry in many a way, will speak in all, and of African History, and as perceived in all again, and from speak of African Body cultures that is.

In all, many Africans and as poorly in all again, perceiving the African past, and in speak of African Body cultures, and with Modern Africa too, said to speak and of Modern African Religion in all that is [and as with it even said to possess, a poor Body culture to it all].

In all though, the African past here in all again, and as best perceived and in speak of African Law that is (and as with it said truly Religious too), and with Africans today though, mainly perceived and from speak of African Body cultures, and that do in all associate Africans in themselves, and with speak of Aesthetics too in all, and that are truly said Non-Secular in all actually. That Africans in all, and despite their  making inroads and into the Modern/Western World in all, and as said Secular too [and speak in many a way, and of Modern Development in all], do still find themselves in many a way, isolated from the rest, and in speak of Aesthetics that is [and speak too, and of Africans and as said not Human perhaps, and with the exception and of speak of those said Egyptian too that is].

That Africans in all, have been foolishly made to view themselves in all again, and from speak of Body cultures only, and as said truly representing Intelligence in itself, and away from speak of Psychology in itself. and speak too and of Psychological Models of the Human Being that is [Link1, Link2].

In all, what do Body cultures truly speak off? in many a way, and from speak and of the World today, speak in all, and of Media in itself that is [that the World today in all again, is said proliferated and by all kinds of Media, and as including speak of Modern Educational systems, and which do specifically in all even, focus, and on Body cultures, and as said referring to one in all, and as said possessing Intelligence that is][and speak too, and of a Knowledge Divide in all, and that does speak and of the Publishing/Research Industry in itself that is][Link].

In many a way though, is to in all attempt here, and to speak and of what does constitute and for a true or concrete African Identity, Historical too, and far off and from speak of Political Organization in itself that is [and as with it even said to speak of Oral Traditions, Tribal/Family Identity and even Ethnography in itself too that is]. That African Identity, can be said and to truly speak only, and of one thing: African Media [Link1, Link2] [and as with it Media in all again, truly associated and with certain forms of Scripts/scripting, and as with they best here in all perhaps, best said to speak of an 'African English' (Link) too, and not Africanized English either that is].

In having said all this, is to now attempt to re-direct the African Experience, and as said Historical too, and away from speak in all, and of Political Organization or even National, Regional or Local African Identities too, and in favour in all again, and in speak instead, and of African Identity, and as truly best said to go along, and with speak and of an African Future, and that does speak in all, and of not defining African Wealth or Status too, but in all again, it truly speaking in all, and of truly defining the African Experience that is.

In all again, a basic proposition here: that the African Future, does speak of it all, and in speak of redefining the African City, and with life outside the City, in many a way truly reduced, and to speak only and of African Media that is [and as with all this even, speaking of History in itself, African too, and as said Egyptian, but in many a way too, speak of African Ritual/Rite, and also speak of the History of Slavery and Colonialism and in Africa, and as said redudant in many a way, such that, those aspiring and to this manner of thinking, do in all ways even view themselves as truly African, and in speak and of the search, and for the most genuine, religious or spiritual, and of the African Experience in itself that is][and further speak too, and of the very belief in all, and of Hidden Treasure for instance, and somewhere in Egypt too that is][Link].

What in all though, does stand for the African City? It does not only speak and of reforming the African Body perhaps, and as with it now centered in all, and in speak of African life, and as truly going along, and with African Cities too, but with it all primarily defined and from speak of the genuine in all, and of African Body cultures, and as said not to speak of Modern Secular lifestyles either that is.

In attempting to define the above better in all, is to first off associate African Media in itself, and with speak of Death in itself too [and as versus speak of God in all actually]. Secondly though, is to now speak and of African Cities, and as said evolutionary in their ways, and as perhaps grounded in all, and not in speak of the Secular or Convention truly either, but in many a way truly, speaking of three things that is:

1. Christology: and speak too and of notions of Taboo, and as going along, and with the African City that is [Link].

2. Esu: And as with 'he' in all said, not an Orisha truly, but a Deity in all perhaps, and whose ways do speak in all perhaps, and of defining Power, Might & Authority, and in the name of Expression too, and in the African City too that is [Link].

3. Ifa: And speak too, and of the African City, and as said a City of Light perhaps, and as going along too in all, and with speak of the 'spirit of Ifa', 'the Memory of Ifa', or even 'the Message of Ifa' too that is [Link].

The African City:
