Monday 4 August 2014

The Sounds of Africa

The Sounds of Africa.

This post in many a way, does have to do, and with what does constitute and for the African Music tradition that is. That Africans, on arriving in America for instance, do in all realize, that what they do term African-American Music (and as a Style or Genre too), is in all ways even perhaps, simply said not African that is. On the otherhand, speak of the African Music tradition, and from a European perspective, does speak in all, and of just whom/who Africans in all are, and with Instrumentation (Musical Arrangements etc.), and not Instruments in themselves truly either.

In all, what does constitute and for the African Music tradition? It does in all, speak of Africans, and as said originating in all, a new (music) Sound that is, and one too, and that could be of interest, and to many another person in all, and outside Africa that is [and basic speak here in all even, and of Electric Avenue and by Eddie Grant, and as speaking and of a whole new Sound, and as going along and with Reggae music too that is][Link].

The Egyptian sound: