Wednesday 6 August 2014



Cloth in all, does refer, and to a form of Dress perhaps (and as going along with Custom too), and that has in many a way, come to be associated, and not with speak of Poverty in Africa truly, but in all ways truly, speak of Backwardness that is [or those said in all, very much Poor, and as said too, with no one in all, and as caring to know them that is]. In many a way, Cloth, and as speaking in all, and of many a said clothing in all (and such as speak of the Kitenge, Kikoi, Khanga, Kanzu), and that does have Swahili like Designs to it (Link) and further speak in all and of African Identity today, and as going along and with speak of Afrocentric beliefs that is [and speak too in all, and of beliefs or a Belief in all again, and of many a said 'Power', and as said oppressing African peoples that is]. In all, Cloth, should not be confused with Fabric (and speak too and of Ahanti/Akan clothing), in that, Cloth, does have a complex psychology to it, and such that, those who do associate with it, develop many an Inferiority Complex, and as with basic regards in all too even, and to Social relations that is.

