Thursday 21 August 2014

Bantu Spirit

Bantu Spirit.

Bantu Identity in the Americas:

This post in many a way, has very much to do, and with the said phrasing 'the Miseducation of the Black Man'. For whom or who in all, is this said Black Man said to be? For he in all, is not simply said and as possessing 'Black Skin' and as versus 'White Skin' to that is, but in many a way truly, and as said possessing a 'Black Soul'. As for those in all, said to be possessing 'Black Skin', speaking perhaps, and of the 'Miseducation of the Black Man', and as going along, and with Misrepresentation and of the History, and of those said possessing Black Skins too that is. For those said possessing a 'Black Soul' in all, speak of the 'Miseducation of the Black Man', and as going along, and with their in all again, not truly seeing themselves, and as they truly are, and such that, what is termed White Supremacy in all, is not oftenly heavily questioned, and as the follies and the ways and of the 'Black Man', can easily be pointed out, and as said even, felonious too that is.

'The Miseducation of the Black Man', and as speaking of 'Black Souls' too, very much going along in all, and with speak not and of the falsifying of History either and as many are made to believe, but in many a way truly, and with speak and of just how in all, History, did transpire or actually play out that is [that when a Black Man is said hanged in America, what did exactly in all, Occur that is?].

In speaking in all, and of many a 'Black Soul', and as not seeing themselves and as they truly are, is to first off mention, the very belief that, so termed 'Black History', and as speaking in all and of 'Black folks' (and further speak too of Bantu Identity in the Americas), and alongside speak of 'Black Souls' too (or those simply said Bantu in their ways/manners too), does in all ways even speak of just what in all, did actually happen in History, and as said to speak of Slavery in the Americas too, and with so termed Bantu Identity in the Americas, going along, and with speak of Disgust, and Hatred too that is [that to in all, put it all and in a summary or two, the very belief that, the History of Black people in the Americas, and as said Bantu too, doe speak of the period after Slavery, and as going along with speak of Disgust, and that in all again, that said Modern in all, speaking of Black/African Identity, Bantu, and as speaking of Hatred that is] [that in all, there are those who do attempt to 'Miseducate the Black Man in America' in all, and in believing that, their History in all, and in the Americas too, does speak first and of Hatred and as followed in all and by Disgust too that is]. That Slavery in itself, can be marked off, and in speak of Respite, and as going along, and with speak of Slaves in all, African too, but furtherly speak truly, and of those said Bantu, and their ability in all, and to simply Retain themselves that is.

In understanding what this means, Retaining one self, is to first off though, speak, and of just what has been happening in all, and from the very Time in all, and that African slavery did come to an end [and with most slaves to the Americas, African that is, simply said Bantu in all]. That when Slavery does end, the Bantu in the Americas, is not filled with Hatred and for his/her former Masters in all, but in all ways even, said filled with Disgust actually [and at him/her-self and for having been enslaved, and at his Masters too, and as with regards to what Post-Slavery lifestyles in all, did actually speak off that is]. This Disgust in Time, and as with speak of the Modern Times too, does in all ways even, turn into Hatred in itself that is.

In understanding the above better, is to first mention that, Slaves in the Americas, African too, can basically be said to speak of Haiti, Jamaica and the Caribbean too in all [and as with he/she said Caribbean, very much Bantu in all, and with the rest, Jamaica, speaking of the Gold Coast, but with he said Haitian, very much said Congo in all that is]. In all, while the presence of Slavery in Jamaica, can be disputed in fact, and in speak of Attitude too, that said Haitian, is said complicated, and as it does in all carry a Sentiment to it, and that does in all again speak of France, and not Slavery in itself either that is].

Lil' Wayne.

In speaking of Disgust in all again, and as said to primarily in all define, the African/Black slave in the Americas, and as simply said Bantu too, is to in all ways even simply associate him/her in all, and with an Unkempt look that is [Slave] [and one too, and is said to be offensive in all, and to White society that is]. That Bantu Identity in the Americas (and as speaking here and of the United States of America in itself), and as said in all even and to go along and with speak of the Bantu in all, and as said Retaining themselves, or facing a fear in all again, and of simply dying away, is to speak of Bantu Identity in all, and as said defined as follows:

Maroons: And speak too and of the Bantu, and as forming Independent settlements and after Slavery does come to an end, and by which in all, they did engage and in nefarious Criminal activity, and that does speak even, and of Black Organized Crime, and as operating from Harlem too that is.

Impropriety: And as speaking of those said Bantu in all, and as simply said to speak and of just how the Bantu does define the Ideal, and that does go along in all, and with the very worshiping, and of the 'White Woman' too that is [Link].

Bantu culture: And speak of it all, and as said going along, and with speak of Bantu Rhythm/Drumming (Be-Bop Music), Bantu Speech (Buckra), or speak too and of Bantu Spirituality ('the Dozens/Craps').

In all, the above and as speaking of Bantu Identity in the Americas, or speak too and of the United States of America, and as going along and with speak of Disgust and Unkempt looks, and the attempt in all, and to escape or redefine oneself as such, and in speak of the following Bantu groups, and in the United States of America too, and as attempting to redefine themselves in all again, and in speak of the Ideal too, and in the following manner: Kimbundu (Models), Ibiblio (Boxers), Bambara (Musicians), Edo/Yoruba (Athletics), and finally Mandingo (Actors).

As the Modern Times in all, do approach, one sees Bantu Identity in the Americas, and as compared to speak of those said African and not Bantu (and as making inroads into White society in all), or those said Black/Sambo (and simply said lacking in Intelligence), one does see Bantu Identity in all, and as primarily focusing and on speak of Hatred, and for oneself, or those too, simply said White too perhaps [and with White Identity, speaking in all perhaps, and of Michelle Obama too for instance]. That the Bantu, and as said simply filled and with Hatred, now does in all, create Identity, and in speak of Hair too that is.

That those in all, said possessing African Hair, are deemed inferior, and in speak of Bantu Ideals that is, such that, the Ideal now and in many a way, can be simply said WASP in all (and probably New Yorker too) [Link], and such that, those said Bantu in all again, and in the Americas too, do in all again develop a philosophy, and that does in all speak of Miscegenation, and Afrocentrism in itself too that is. That for those said Bantu, Miscegenation, and as attempting to approximate a WASP formation in all, in that, those said Bantu in all again, do attempt to create or foment Identity, and that does go along and with speak of Poor White Folk too [and in a Post-Slavery America, and just where in all again, the United States of America is still very much said to have no proper or true Constitution to it all, and with the United States of America now, said in many a way poverty/crime ridden, and if not Lawless in itself that is]. That those said Bantu in Identity, do attempt to marry into the lives of Poor White Folk in all, and in the hope, and of losing their so termed African/Bantu Identity, and as with it all even said to speak of Light Skin and Straightened Hair that is. That in all, Bantu Miscegenation, and as going along and with speak of Creoles and Mulattos, and as with they in all even, said to define American society, and in speak of Separatism and Segregation too that is.

Area Codes - Link.

In having said the above, is to now in all perhaps, produce an Image, and of just what does constitute and for so termed African Identity, and as going along, and with speak of the American Constitution that is. That the African in Image, and as said outside Africa too, can philosophically be said Haitian/Palenques/Reformer, Jamaican/Quilombo/Philosophist, or speak in all again, and of that said Bantu/Caribbean/Americanist that is. What in all though, does Americanist stand for? It does actually speak of Bantu/Black Identity in the Americas, and as going along and with speak of Black Nationalism that is.

That Black/African Identity in the Americas and as said Bantu in all, and as seen especially though, and in the United States of America, does attempt to define itself, and in speak of the Psyche, and opportunity and as said offered everywhere, and that does go along, and with speak of Miscegenation, and the Civil Rights Movement too that is [and speak too, and of the Bantu Psyche in all, and as simply said Coloured that is] [Coloured].

In all, and as with they in all even said Americanist, Black/African Identity in the Americas and as said Bantu, does appear and to attempt to redefine itself in Psyche/Experience, and in speak in all, and of Black Nationalism, and as going along, and with speak of the Muslim, Jew and Infidel too that is. That speak of Black Nationalism and the Muslim, does in all even, speak of W.E.B Dubois for instance, the Harlem Renaissance, and speak too and of Black Intellectuals that is [and as simply said even, and to speak of the Nation of Islam in all actually]. Speak of Black Nationalism and the Jew, does in all speak of Ghettos and further speak too and of the Great Depression for instance, and 'Black Unemployment/Suffering' too, but in many a way too, speak of Racism in America in all, and as simply said Jewish too, and the very belief that, those said Bantu or Black, do truly belong and in the Ghetto (and the very birth of Ebonics too), or speak too, and of American Rural lifestyles that is. It is however and in speak of the Infidel, and that Black Nationalism, does become complicated in its ways that is. That it in all, does very much go along and with speak of questioning Black/African Identity, and in Business, Media and Politics too that is. That Black Nationalism, does attempt in all and in claiming in all that, American society, is actually virulently racist in its ways, such that, the Black/African Experience in all, is now said truly associated, and with speak of 'the Underground Railroad' that is [Link]. The false belief that, those said Black/African and pretty much Bantu, are in many a way truly, very much violent in their ways, and due in all perhaps, and to speak of Slavery, and as falsely said in all, and to have been a Horrendous Experience that is [and from the very perspective, and of both He and Her that is][Link].

In all, what does Black Nationalism truly aspire for? It in many a way, does speak of Black/African Shame, and as very much said Bantu too, and that does in all even speak and of their very belief that, they in all, the Bantu that is, are simply said dying out (and despite in all, their very much been said to have truly helped and in building America too that is), and as with it all even said to speak of the Bantu Psyche in all, and as said referring and to a fear and of the Bantu and as dying out in all, and dying out too, and in a manner, and that does speak of Shame, and as going along and with speak of Impotence in itself too that is [or speak too, and of Black Nationalism, and as attempting to define the Black/African Psyche, and as said Bantu in all, and in truly finding perhaps, ready acceptance, and in the White World/Woman that is, and such that, the Infidel and in Black Nationalism in all, does speak of those said ready in all again, and in simply helping bring down, or burn down in many a way too, the United States of America in itself that is][Link1, Link2].

In all, September 11th in itself, and as simply said to go along, and with speak of Trust and within society and in the United States of America too, and as said in all perhaps, and to speak of Black Nationalism and as said an American Conscience too, such that, Black Nationalism in all, is believed said to help spur Distrust in all, and in everyday American society too, and via its ability in all, to truly distort Relations in all, and in America too (and from a Historical perspective that is), and as going along in all again, and with speak of Black/African crime, and in the United States of America too that is [and with many in all saying that, Black/African crime is real, and as said violent too, while, many another group does attempt to claim that, Black Teen/Youth in all, and as believed said Violent too, are in many a way simply said openly targeted, and by Law Enforcement and in the United States of America too that is]. In all, the Black/African Psyche, and as said Bantu too, and as now in all, said to come define the American Experience in all, and in speak of the 'Eye on the Prize' too that is, and as going along too, and with speak of Black/African exploits, and in the Entertainment Industries too that is.